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Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski visits Estonia


Visiting Estonia today, Minister Radosław Sikorski met with President of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Minister of Foreign Affairs Margus Tsahkna, and Minister of Defence Hanno Pevkur. While in Tallinn, Minister Sikorski also took part in Estonia’s Europe Day celebrations.

Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski visits Estonia

The Polish and the Estonian heads of diplomacy talked about the security situation in Europe, aid to Ukraine, advancements in bilateral cooperation, and the situation in the Middle East.

The ministers agreed that Poland and Estonia foster good relations and both sides wish for that fruitful cooperation to continue, both bilaterally and within international and regional organisations.

They discussed regional security challenges, including hybrid threats on the European Union’s eastern borders. Poland and Estonia recognise the need for close cooperation in order to counteract hybrid measures based on migration pressure.

The options of further support for warring Ukraine were among the key talking points raised by Minister Radosław Sikorski and Minister Margus Tsahkna. Both countries are determined to carry on providing Ukraine with all kinds of help. Minister Sikorski took the opportunity to thank Estonia for its commitment to Ukraine and for cooperation in strengthening and tightening the sanctions regime. 

Poland and Estonia speak with one voice on continued enfeeblement of Russia’s war machine and on using frozen Russian assets to Ukraine’s benefit.

The ministers also talked about preparations for the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, D.C., and the situation in the Middle East, with a particular focus on the Gaza Strip.

In a meeting with President of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar, the head of Polish diplomacy discussed prospects for bilateral cooperation, security situation, and support for Ukraine. Those issues were also high on the agenda of Minister Sikorski’s talks with Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and Minister of Defence Hanno Pevkur.

For more photos click here.


Photo: Barbara Milkowska/MFA

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