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Virtual Assistants - RPA (Robotic Process Automation) tools, process robotization, hybrid work environment

The Ministry of Finance implements new technologies in the area of business process management. In 2021, the Process Robotization Centre was created in the Ministry of Finance. The Process Robotization Centre has been operating in the General Director's Office since 2021. The task of the Process Robotization Centre is to identify business processes intended for robotization and to implement modern business solutions in the field of process automation.

The priority of this issue was emphasized in the Directions of Action and Development of the Ministry of Finance for 2021-2024.

An analysis of the potential  of robotization was carried out in the first stage and it resulted in identification of 77 processes for robotization.

The Ministry of Finance has implemented 22 software robots supporting work and implementation of business processes.

Robotization has been implemented in the area of service and business processes such as: human resources, payroll, tax analysis and accounting.

Identification of business processes for robotization requires a detailed analysis of activities in the process and the determination of parameters characteristic for a given process. A business process suitable for robotization is a repeatable, manual, with a large scale of data processing, based on known rules and standardized process.

The implementation of robotization is a change in the way of managing business processes at the Ministry of Finance. The use of robots also allows us to improve the quality of provided services.

The implementation of robots allowed the Ministry of Finance to automate many processes which were not supported by IT systems.

Robotization in the Ministry of Finance is based on the UiPath technology. UiPath is the Robotic Process Automation market leader. This program, with the help of an extensive interface and built-in solutions, allows for effective and quick automation of business processes. It is the program that is used by developers employed by the Ministry of Finance. This tool allows for the effective automation of the daily tasks of our organization by eliminating many repetitive activities for which employees were previously responsible.

Key benefits of implementing robots in the Ministry of Finance:

  • Quicker implementation of processes.
  • Full automation of selected business processes.
  • Fewer errors in automated processes.

Example implementation and banefits.

  • Robot R20 - supports the process of publishing announcements about the average price of minerals

The benefits of robotization:

  • 100% automates the data collection process,
  • 100% reduces the risk of error in the data collection process
  • The robot carries out the task in 3 minutes a day (90 minutes per month).
  • Carries out the process on a daily basis. Previously, data was collected every few days.
  • Robot R11 - assistance in the process of data verification as part of the accrued remuneration wages.

The benefits of robotization:

  • Accelerates the service process by several hours per month.
  • Verifies over 60 payrolls for 3000 employees in a few minutes
  • Robots R22-23 - virtual assistants responsible for the process of comparing accounting data from the  system with the data from invoices for business trips.

The benefits of robotization:

  • It automates the process in 100%
  • Ensures standardization of process handling
  • It speeds up the process by several days.
  • Robots complete the task in 5 minutes. Process handling took 2 to 3 days.


process automation leaflet
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