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On the possibilities of developing Polish-American cooperation in the field of agriculture


Today’s meeting of Minister Czesław Siekierski with the USA Ambassador to the Republic of Poland Mark Brzezinski was devoted to the situation in agricultural markets and the possibilities of developing Polish-American cooperation in the field of agriculture. Director General Bogusław Wijatyk also participated in those talks. The visit of the USA ambassador to the MARD was an opportunity to highlight strategic relations between Poland and the United States.


The situation in agricultural markets

Minister Czesław Siekierski presented the challenges facing Polish agriculture related, inter alia, to the current economic situation and rising costs of agricultural production.

He stressed Poland’s commitment to intense dialogue with Ukraine at various levels, which was aimed at developing improvements in the export of Ukrainian agri-food products to global markets. He pointed to a need to adopt, at the EU level, mechanisms guaranteeing seamless trade and compliant with the interests of European agriculture as a whole.

Position of the United States

Ambassador Brzezinski congratulated the new head of the Ministry of Agriculture and expressed the readiness of the United States to cooperate as part of the agricultural sector, particularly, during the ongoing war in Ukraine. He pointed out the great importance of the efficient export of agricultural products from Ukraine to ensure global food security.

In this context, the United States welcomed Poland’s involvement in the ongoing technical talks with partners from Ukraine.

Access of Polish agri-food products to the US market

The meeting with the American diplomat was an opportunity to present Polish demands regarding access of Polish food to the American market.

Minister Siekierski stressed the willingness to finalise the procedure of opening the US market for Polish apples. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture also raised the issue of Poland’s access to the American tobacco tariff quota established for EU countries

The United States is one of the key Polish partners in agri-food trade. In 2022, our export to the USA reached a record-breaking value of EUR 770 million. Positive trends also continued in 2023. In the period I-X 2023, the export reached EUR 703 million, which means an increase by 10% when compared to the same period of the previous year. For several years, Polish chocolate and cocoa-containing products, pork meat and fish fillets have been the most popular in the American market.

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