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Control of broadcasters


Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 18 May 2016 concerning a lower share of broadcasts originally produced in the Polish language and of European broadcasts on television programmes and verbal-musical works performed in the Polish language on radio programmes
rozp--krrit-z-dnia-18-maja-2016-r-​_en​_(1).doc 0.03MB
Regulationof the National Broadcasting Council of 28 May 2013 concerning a lower share of broadcasts with facilitated access for disabled persons with sight dysfunction and disabled persons with hearing dysfunction on television programmes
rozporzadzenie---niepelnosprawni​_en.doc 0.03MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 15 November 2012 concerning technical methods to determine the reception of a programme service on the reception area of a programme service transmitted by means of terrestrial broadcasting
122012​_rozp​_metody​_ang.pdf 0.01MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 27 July 2011 amending the Regulation concerning sponsorship of programmes and other broadcasts
27-july-2011.pdf 0.05MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Councilof 12 July 2011 concerning the manner of keeping a record by the broadcaster of transmission time of programmes originally produced in the Polish language, European works and European works produced by independent producers, as well as the period of storage of such record
12-july-2011​_-ew.pdf 0.23MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 12 July 2011 amending the Regulation concerning the classification of programmes or other broadcasts that might have an adverse impact upon a healthy physical, mental or moral development of minors and programmes or other broadcasts intended for a given age group of minors, use of graphic symbols and forms of announcements
12-july-2011.pdf 0.25MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 6 July, 2000 (785) concerning sponsoring programme items and other broadcasts
7​_december​_2010​_nowy.pdf 0.02MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 30 June 2011 concerning detailed conditions of product placement
30-june-2011.pdf 0.22MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 30 June 2011 concerning a lower share in a television programme service of European works produced by independent producers within the period of 5 years before their transmission in a programme service
30-june-2011-pn.pdf 0.18MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 30 June 2011 concerning principles of advertising and teleshopping in radio and television programme services
30-june-2011-rekl.pdf 0.49MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 23 June 2005 concerning the classification of programmes or other broadcasts that might have an adverse impact upon a healthy physical, mental or moral development of minors and programmes or other broadcasts intended for a given age group of minors, use of graphic symbols and forms of announcements
23june2005.pdf 0.02MB
Appendix No 1
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Appendix No 2
appendix-no​_2.pdf 0.19MB
Appendix No 3
23june2005​_zal3.pdf 0.03MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 3 June, 2004 concerning principles of advertising and teleshopping in the radio and television program services
3june2004.pdf 0.05MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 6 July, 2000 (786) concerning the methods of recording and preserving programme items, advertisements and other broadcasts by broadcasters
6july2000​_786.pdf 0.01MB
Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 6 July, 2000 (785) concerning sponsoring programme items and other broadcasts
7​_december​_2010​_nowy.pdf 0.02MB