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Summary of the work of the Team on the situation arising on the Oder River


"We present today the conclusions and recommendations of scientists on the Oder River, developed during the last weeks of the Team's work," said Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Małgorzata Golińska, during a conference summarizing the work of the Team for the situation arising on the Oder River, which took place on September 29, 2022 in Warsaw.

Summary of the work of the Team on the situation arising on the Oder River

The conference was attended by Małgorzata Golińska - Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Andrzej Szweda-Lewandowski - General Director of Environmental Protection, Marek Kajs - Deputy General Director of Environmental Protection, Ph.D. Agnieszka Kolada – prof.  Institute of Environmental Protection-State Research Institute, Grzegorz Janusz Dietrich, Ph.D. Eng. and Agnieszka Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, Ph.D. Eng. from the Stanisław Sakowicz-Inland Fisheries Institute. Stanislaw Sakowicz-State Research Institute.

Experts from the Team for the Situation Arising on the Oder River appointed by the Minister of Climate and Environment on September 29, 2022 summarized the work on the final version of the report. The nearly 300-page document, which includes analyses, research results and scientific footnotes, will be published on September 30, according to the announcement.

In accordance with the order of Climate and Environment Minister Anna Moskwa, a team of experts was appointed, bringing together top-notch experts from both Polish universities, research institutions and representatives of government bodies responsible for environmental issues. Thank you for the great work put into preparing the report.  I would also like to thank the people working on the Oder River - these are anglers, service representatives, scientists, volunteers, public administration employees and many others

- said Deputy Minister Małgorzata Golińska, opening the conference.

Today we present the conclusions and recommendations of scientists. 49 experts from 11 scientific institutions were involved in the creation of the document. The publication of the report does not mean that the Team ends its activities. The opponent we face is difficult - it is a huge challenge for us, but our determination is just as great. The Team operates transparently, conducting research in all areas that are necessary to ensure objective results. This is essential in circumstances where there is a lot of false information that has caused unnecessary emotions

– added the Deputy Minister.

The main conclusions of the report were presented by Agnieszka Kolada, Ph. D., prof. of the Institute of Environmental Protection-State Research Institute (IOŚ-PIB). The entire publication will be available on the IOŚ-PIB website.
