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Tests of water from the Oder River have indicated the presence of microorganisms – ‘golden algae’


On 18 August 2022, Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa reported on the findings of experts from the Inland Fisheries Institute. They indicated the presence of microorganisms, golden algae, in the water from the Oder River. These are not harmful to humans.

kropla wody

After additional testing, the Institute of Inland Fisheries from Olsztyn found rare microorganisms, so-called golden algae, in samples of water from the Oder River. Their bloom can cause the appearance of toxins that kill aquatic organisms - fish and mussels but are not harmful to humans. This finding has been confirmed

- Minister Moskwa said.

Additional analyses proved confirmed that there was indeed a bloom of golden algae in the Oder River. This species is rare and little known, but the Institute's team has extensive expertise in it.

We are conducting research into the toxins produced by the algae. It is undoubtedly known that they are not dangerous to humans, but they kill fish and mussels. We will make efforts to confirm their presence in these organisms. We are also investigating the root causes of the algal bloom, which may vary. We are looking into the exact circumstances of the appearance of the bloom. It could for sure have been meteorological conditions, i.e. drought and low water level

- the Minister of Climate and Environment added.

Since the end of July, massive fish die-offs have been observed in the Oder River, the cause of which is still under investigation. A ban on entering the Oder has been imposed in the Zachodniopomorskie, Lubuskie and Dolnośląskie Voivodeships. The case of the pollution of the Oder River on the notice of the Voivodeship Environmental Protection Inspectorate will be dealt with by the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Wrocław.
