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Our outputs

Policy analysis and research

We produce studies on specific topics related to migration and asylum, including:

  • thematic studies - offer a comparative analysis of topics of interest to policymakers at national and EU levels in relation to migration and asylum. National studies present available information at Member State level while synthesis reports (prepared on the basis of the national inputs) provide an EU-wide overview. 
  • annual policy reports (Annual Reports on Immigration and Asylum) - which outline the most significant political and legislative developments, public debates, in the areas of migration and asylum as well as the implementation of EU legislation at national level in a given year. They also describe the trends and statistics in the area of migration, asylum, migration flows, illegal entry and return. These also contribute to the Commission’s Annual Reports on Immigration and Asylum, reviewing progress made in the implementation of asylum and migration policy. 


We maintain and develop the National Migration Network of contacts in the field of migration and asylum which represents all relevant stakeholders. National Network members support us by supplying information and contributing to selected research and policy activities. The National Network members meet inter alia on the occasion of conferences held by the EMN National Contact Point in Poland.

Information exchange

  • we provide access to information on national legislation, publications, statistics and contact details of EMN NCPs and national network members,
  • we contribute to quarterly published EMN Bulletin which highlights current and recent EU and national developments and latest statistics which provide a “snapshot” of the migratory situation in the EU and its Member States,
  • we contribute to development of an online EMN Glossary and Thesaurus - glossary of asylum and migration terms - which has been developed in order to improve comparability between EU Member States through the use and common understanding of the terms and definitions,
  • we coordinate work of national experts - members of the EMN Return Expert Group,
  • we prepare national level answers to EMN Ad hoc Queries,
  • we provide national level updates to the EU Immigration Portal.