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National Register of Geographical Names

The Register of Polish geographical names of the world

The Register of Polish geographical names of the world is part of the National Register of Geographical Names (PRNG). The Register of Polish geographical names of the world contains the names standardized, adopted and recommended for use by the Commission on Standardization of Geographical Names outside the Republic of Poland.

The Register of Polish geographical names of the world is maintained in the form of a spatial database containing, in particular, Polish names of countries, non-self-governing territories, administrative units, localities and major physiographic objects together with their attributes containing detailed information on the name itself and the described object. All objects (names) collected in the PRNG database have a spatial reference (geographical coordinates).

The legal basis for creating, updating and verifying, providing data and the scope of information collected in the PRNG database is the Regulation of the Minister of Development, Labour and Technology of January 29, 2021 on the State Register of Geographical Names (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 273).


National register


The Register of Polish geographical names of the world