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INNOGLOBO – the new NCBR funding programme concentrated on global R&D ideas


The Polish National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) has launched the international INNOGLOBO programme.


Under this programme, it will be possible to start financing projects carried out by international consortia, in which Polish entities have no restrictions in selecting partners from abroad.

INNOGLOBO programme will also enable financing of projects related to various thematic areas, including uncommon subjects, as the only requirement for applications submitted in the call is the thematic scope of the project shall fit into the current list of National Smart Specialization. Before submitting the project funding application to NCBR, the Polish Applicant should have signed international consortium agreement with the Foreign Partner. Polish innovators will be able to obtain financial support in order to carry out R&D projects with partners from all over the world, including Thai research organisations and enterprises.

The first call of the INNOGLOBO programme was launched on 1 July 2021 and the application deadline is 30 November 2021. The budget of the programme amounts to PLN 10 million with PLN 400,000 as the minimum amount of funding for the project and PLN 1.5 million as the maximum amount of funding for the project. More information are available here:

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