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Minister Zbigniew Rau participated in the 130th meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe


In the plenary discussion, Minister Rau indicated that the challenges related to COVID-19 cannot be a pretext for a permanent limitation of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. He also stressed the need for the Council to support the democratic aspirations of Belarusian society

Minister Z. Rau

On November 4, the 130th meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe was held. The meeting of 47 Ministers of Foreign Affairs, during the Greek Presidency of the Committee, took place in a hybrid format, bringing together participants in Athens, Strasbourg and the capitals of the Member States. Representatives of the Council of Europe participated in the meeting in the capital of Greece: Council of Europe Secretary General Ms. Marija Pejčinović-Burić, President of the Parliamentary Assembly Mr. Rik Daems, Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Dunja Mijatović and the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Judge Robert Spano. Poland was represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, prof. Zbigniew Rau.

During the meeting, participants discussed issues related to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, challenges related to the protection of human rights - in the light of the Secretary General annual report (Multilateralism 2020), the role of the Council of Europe in responding to conflicts and crises in Europe and policies towards neighbouring regions, as well as the long-term effectiveness of the system of the European Convention on Human Rights in Europe.

46 member states of the Council of Europe expressed support for the Athens Declaration of the Greek Presidency regarding an effective response to the sanitary crisis, respecting the values ​​of the Council of Europe, i.e. human rights, the rule of law and democracy. The declaration emphasizes the importance of proportionality, non-discrimination and the temporary nature of extraordinary measures taken by states in response to the challenges of the crisis related to the COVID-19 epidemic. Particular attention was paid to the need to protect the right to health as well as social and economic rights.

During the debate, national delegations stressed that the priority shall be a better preparation for future potential public health crises or other crisis situations, including natural disasters and technological challenges. It was emphasized that a welfare and prosperity depend on the collective capacity to guarantee both human rights protection and a healthy environment for future generations, in which the role of the Council of Europe is essential.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland prof. Zbigniew Rau pointed out that the 70th anniversary of the opening for signature of the European Convention on Human Rights, celebrated this year, is an opportunity to recall that the European Court of Human Rights is a key element of the human rights protection system, the judgments of which should be executed without delay, by all member states of the Council of Europe. This is especially important in the time of combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

The European Convention on Human Rights, as emphasized by Minister Zbigniew Rau, is essential for the respect of fundamental values ​​on which the Council of Europe is founded. Minister Rau also referred to the situation in Belarus, recalling the call to the Belarusian authorities to release political prisoners and persons unjustifiably detained. He stressed that Belarus cannot ignore the principles and values ​​of the European continent. Moreover, Minister Zbigniew Rau recalled Poland's postulate to strengthen the cooperation between the Council of Europe and the civil society.

The date of the Committee of Ministers annual meeting coincided with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the opening for signature of the European Convention on Human Rights. During the anniversary celebrations, after the meeting of the Committee of Ministers, it was recalled that the Convention, together with the European Court of Human Rights and its case law, as well as the monitoring bodies of the Council of Europe, have become a unique continent-wide collective system that guarantees fundamental rights for over 830 million people, living in 47 European countries. During the ceremony in Athens, the shared responsibility for respecting the European Convention on Human Rights was recalled and the commitment to respect its principles and rights was confirmed.

fot. MFA
