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Celebrations of the National Day of the 3rd of May


On the occasion of the Polish National Day, which commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of May 3rd, 1791, the first modern constitution in Europe and the second in the world. the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland Mr. Artur Lompart and Mrs. Iwona Lompart hosted a delightful reception at the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Athens for Greek authorities, the Diplomatic Corps, distinguished representatives from business, cultural and scientific sectors as well as the Polish diaspora.

National Day 2024

The Ambassador in his address highlighted the strong political relationship between Poland and Greece, the growing cultural links and further development of business cooperation. Since this year Poland celebrates 20 years in the European Union, Ambassador Lompart pointed out the numerous advantages of being part of the European family which has a positive impact on the perception of Poland's EU membership within the Polish society. It was also emphasized that Poland, along with Greece, is a strong supporter of the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.

At the evening garden reception the guests enjoyed delicious Polish food prepared by Polish chefs who arrived to Athens especially for the celebration and other traditional Polish fruit specialties provided by event sponsors. 

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