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Promjena u načinu rada Konzularnog odjela


korona 1

Ljubazno obavještavamo da s obzirom na drastično pogoršanje epidemiološke situacije u Hrvatskoj, Konzularni odjel Veleposlanstva Republike Poljske u Zagrebu od dana 19. listopada 2020. godine uvodi promjene u organizaciji rada i pravilima pružanja usluga konzularnim strankama.

Izravno pružanje usluga konzularnim strankama ograničeno je isključivo na hitne slučajeve. Svi ostali predmeti rješavat će se dopisnim putem, u skladu s mogućnostima.

Svaki eventualni dolazak u Konzularni odjel treba unaprijed dogovoriti putem elektroničke pošte ili telefonom +385 1 48 99 414. Stranke koje se nisu prethodno najavile neće biti primljene.

Podsjećamo da je uvjet za ulazak u prostorije Veleposlanstva pravilno nošenje zaštitne maske koja pokriva usta i nos.

Želimo Vam puno zdravlja.


We would like to kindly inform you that due to the worsening epidemiological situation in Croatia, the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Zagreb is introducing changes in the organization of work and the rules regarding the service of consular parties, starting from October 19, 2020.

Direct service of consular parties has been strictly limited to urgent matters. All other matters will be dealt with, if possible, by correspondence.

Each visit to the Consular Section should be scheduled in advance by e-mail or by phone + 385 1 4899 414. Parties who have not previously announced their arrival will not be accepted.

We would like to remind you that all visitors of the Polish Embassy are required to wear a protective mask covering mouth and nose within the Embassy’s premises.

We wish you all good health.
