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Poetry book 'Moment' by Wisława Szymborska in Maltese


We are very happy to announce that from today poetry lovers in Malta can finally enjoy reading Wisława Szymborska's poems in Maltese. The volume 'Waqt' ('Moment') is the first ever Polish poetry book translated into Maltese.

"Chwila" W Szymborskiej po maltańsku

Our special thanks go to Faraxa Publishing director Ms Joanne Micallef for having joined our idea and the courage to publish poetry in these not very 'poetic times.

Many thanks also to Antoine Cassar who have translated Wisława Szymborska's poems, especially for his great sensitivity to the poetic word and an unique sense of the poetic rhythm.

We are grateful to the Wisława Szymborska Foundation for being a good spirit of this project and for having given the copyright permission. Big thank also to the Book Institute for financial support.

We believe that now we are able to fully celebrate with our Maltese friends the 100th anniversary of Wisława Szymborska's birthday which falls this year. We have several projects in the pipeline. Stay tuned.

You can buy 'Waqt' here👇
