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Briefings on Poland’s green investment plans


In September 2020 the Polish Ministry of Climate adopted new guidelines of the Polish Energy Policy 2040. The plan for green transformation of Poland is very ambitious. It includes the expansion of the wind sector and investments in solar energy, increasing energy efficiency and decarbonisation of heating. These and other topics were the subject of a webinar and a briefing at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Copenhagen on 24 September.


The speakers of the briefings were:

Marta Babicz (MB), acting as Director of the External Funds Department of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management,

Piotr Kuś (PK), deputy director of the Gaz-System Gas Market Development Division,

Janusz Gajowiecki (JG), president of the Polish Wind Energy Association,

Irena Gajewska (IG), communication manager at PWEA.


Ms Babicz presented the main activities of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the context of the priorities of the Polish Energy Policy 2040. She described the programs whose beneficiaries are households, enterprises and local governments and explained how the National Fund encourages entities to use the support.


The representative of Gaz-System focused on the transformation of the energy system from the perspective of the system operator. Piotr Kuś stressed that Poland and Denmark have similar climate goals, but different starting points. The Baltic Pipe project implemented together with Denmark is part of a larger plan of investments in gas infrastructure, necessary to ensure the security of energy supply.


At the same time, the representative of the Polish Wind Energy Association, Janusz Gajowiecki, presented the development prospects for the onshore and offshore wind sectors. Currently, PL has 6.3 GW of installed wind energy capacity. Moreover, new projects are underway to ensure further 3GW. With regard to offshore wind energy, decisions were made on the location of wind farms with a total capacity of 8.7 GW. It is expected that the expansion of the sector will create jobs and drive growth, in coastal regions and the rest of the country.

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