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New quarantine exemption rules after crossing Polish border


Under the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 16 May 2020 on certain limitations, orders and prohibitions due to the state of epidemic (Journal of Laws, item 878) we hereby inform that exempted from obligatory quarantine are persons who cross Polish internal border for professional, business or gainful purposes in Poland or another EU or EEA country.

2020.04.02 Warszawa . Budynek MSZ . Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych .
Fot. Tymon Markowski / MSZ

The exemption also applies to individuals working in Switzerland and the United Kingdom, according to the countries’ agreements with EU.

More information is available at:,Nowe-zasady-kwarantanny-po-przekroczeniu-granicy.html


MFA Press Office


Fot. Tymon Markowski / MFA
