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Poland in the coalition of states determined to counter a ransomware phenomenon


On October 13-14 at the meeting organized by the US National Security Council on the Counter-Ransomware Initiative a wide circle of countries discussed how to fight more effectively the phenomenon of ransomware.

2017.10.18 Warszawa gmach MSZ Fot. M.Jasiulewicz/MSZ

All statements repeated necessity of close cooperation between states and between various areas of administration (law enforcement, judiciary, public finances) as well as with the private sector. Another key condition for the effective fight against ransomware is acceleration of information exchange, especially at the operational level.

Poland took an active part in the discussion at the political and expert level by submitting specific proposals to build resistance against this phenomenon. The results of the meeting and prospects of further actions are included in the statement of the ministers and representatives from the Counter-Ransomware Initiative:


MFA Press Office


Final Joint Statement - International Counter Ransomware Initiative
Final​_Joint​_Statement​_-​_International​_Counter​_Ransomware​_Initiative.pdf 0.10MB