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Undersecretary of State Jakub Wiśniewski attends annual meeting of Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe


The Committee's session took place on 16 – 17 May, coinciding with the celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe. The session included a ceremony during which Lithuania assumed the Presidency of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, taking over from Liechtenstein which held the presidency over the last six months.

Minister J. Wisniewski during the 133rd session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

During the talks, the officials discussed issues related to the EU’s planned accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, finalisation of work on the Convention on the Protection of Lawyers, and youth participation in the democratic process. The talks also covered the prospects for enhancing dialogue between the OSCE, the UN and like-minded third countries. 

During the meeting, Deputy Minister Jakub Wiśniewski stressed that the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which was launched in April this year, will provide necessary evidence of the aggression, thus restoring justice. Other participants of the session confirmed the importance of the Register.

Undersecretary of State Wiśniewski welcomed the fact that members of the Council of Europe launched a platform of contact and dialogue with Belarus’s democratic opposition. He referred to Poland’s commitment to implement the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and the opinion of the Venice Commission and expressed appreciation of the 75 years of the Council of Europe’s work, describing the Council as the jewel in the crown of the European integration of its member states.

The annual session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe also provided an opportunity for bilateral meetings. Deputy Minister Wiśniewski met with his counterparts from Finland and the United Kingdom.

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