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Western Balkans Partners Declaration on Roma and EU Enlargement

At the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia on 17 May 2018, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia initiated a process of regional commitment to Roma integration as part of the EU enlargement process. To materialise this commitment the Western Balkans (WB) Prime Ministers plan to sign a regional declaration, setting ambitious yet realistic targets on Roma integration, to be achieved before joining the EU. The WB calls, within the EU enlargement process, on establishing clear benchmarks and closer cooperation with the EU Member States.

The proposed Declaration will be signed at the Poznan Summit, organised within the “Berlin Process”, with the presence of the European Commission and strong support of the Regional Cooperation Council. The Prime Ministers from the enlargement region will be present and endorse several important documents, among which the aforementioned Declaration.

The signature will be preceded by a meeting within the Business Forum on 4 July. The Declaration is setting not only the objectives but also the basic principles necessary to achieve the set targets, including internal coordination, allocation of budget, monitoring and reporting, participation of Roma.

Objective of the panel:

The objective of this meeting is to explain the scope of the declaration, the agreed commitments among the WBs as well as to inform all relevant stakeholders about the implementation process. The meeting should explore in more details the practical aspects of achieving the targets, the measures that should be implemented, the contribution expected from different actors, and the criteria that should be followed in order to successfully meet the targets. The discussion will be organised as a panel with a set of questions for debate. Since the panellists represent different types of organisations, each panellist would provide distinct aspect and contribution to the discussion.

Moderator: Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General - Regional Cooperation Council

Time frame and format:Moderated 60-75 minutes panel discussion with 15-45 minutes Q&A.

Language: English
