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Poland is implementing the National Recovery Plan


The European Union's response to the corona crisis is the Reconstruction Fund. The largest part of the Reconstruction Fund is the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Over EUR 23 billion in subsidies and over EUR 34 billion in loans are to go to Poland from this source. In order to use these funds, each state must prepare its own National Recovery Plan (NRP). In Poland, this process is managed by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy (MFiPR).

The National Recovery Plan

How we work on the NRP

The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy coordinates work on the implementation of the National Recovery Plan. We have collected investment proposals from ministries, regions and other institutions. Then we have analysed them, checked whether they are in line with the objectives of the NRP and created evaluation criteria.

More than 1200 project proposals sent by ministries, regions and social and economic partners were received by the MFiPR. These are projects which concern various areas, including energy, environmental protection, transport, innovation and entrepreneurship, health, digitisation or territorial cohesion. From the submitted proposals, eight working groups will select projects that will meet the criteria set out in the National Recovery Plan.

We have also asked individual ministries to prepare proposals for economic reforms, which will be supported under the NRP. Such reforms are as important as specific investments. Both will form the basis for talks with the European Commission, which ultimately authorises the national reconstruction plans of all countries.

By the end of 2020, we plan to prepare an initial draft of the NRP and to forward it to the European Commission. Then the dialogue with the European Commission will begin, and we will also hold public consultations on the document.

We are working in working groups.

Projects submitted to the NRP are evaluated by eight thematic working groups. These groups are composed of representatives of the institutions managing national operational programmes, ministries, regions, socio-economic partners and external experts.

The working groups operate in the following areas:

  • innovation,
  • energy and environment,
  • digitisation,
  • transport,
  • infrastructure,
  • society,
  • health
  • territorial cohesion.

We evaluate projects, but we also create them

The evaluation of projects that we carry out within the framework of the NRP is a kind of inventory of necessary investments. The first task of the MFiPR is to select those that can be financed from the NRP. The second is to identify projects that could be supported by other sources, for example, cohesion policy in the new financial perspective of the European Funds for 2021-2027.

Our aim is to implement reforms in specific areas identified in the NRP, and the means to achieve this is investment. The document will also include: a diagnosis, challenges, proposals for solutions and the effects we want to achieve.

We want the resources from the Reconstruction Fund to reach Poland as soon as possible and help with economic recovery.

How do we assess the projects

The selection of projects for the National Recovery Plan is key to success of the whole project. We analyse the projects on the basis of the NRP Matrix, i.e. a tool for organising the submitted project proposals.

In the process of project verification and evaluation we take into account the following criteria:

  • readiness for implementation ("maturity" of the project),
  • compliance with EU requirements,
  • relevance,
  • state of project preparation,
  • feasibility,
  • support of economic growth and new jobs,
  • effects on the economy.

The NRP matrix will be updated with the progress of work on budgetary regulations carried out by the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament.

The Development Policy Coordination Committee (DPC) - this is where it all began

Work on the NRP has begun on the meeting of this committee, during which ministers and deputy ministers from all ministries coordinate Poland's development policy. The Committee developed criteria for selecting projects for the National Recovery Plan. As part of the NRP, the so-called NRP Matrix (Assumptions), i.e. a tool for organising submitted project proposals, was also prepared. This is a necessary action, because only the best-prepared proposals, which are in line with the recommendations of the European Commission, have a chance to be accepted and receive funding.

The NRP matrix made it possible to verify the submitted projects in terms of social and economic objectives. Its second function is to divide the submitted projects into those which can be financed from the NRP and those which will move to other sources of financing. It was developed with the participation of working groups for project selection appointed by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. The groups include representatives of all ministries, regions, socio-economic partners and external experts.
