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What we do

In a nutshell: our ministry ensures that Poland and its develop in a sustainable and even manner, i.e., that all the inhabitants of Poland – the present ones and future generations – benefit from the fruits of growth.

How we do it:

  • we care for investment financed from the EU funds in the framework of the EU cohesion policy for 2014-2020 – Poland is one of the leaders in the use of these funds;
  • we negotiate with EU institutions, on behalf of the government, what the EU funds for 2021-2027 will be allocated for and we prepare national documents (e.g. Partnership Agreement, operational programme) needed to mobilise these funds;
  • we coordinate the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. It is a document which is the basis for using the funds from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Over PLN 158.5 billion will go to Poland;
  • we create the country's development policy and the implementation of other strategies so that they are coherent;
  • we prepare and implement various development programmes financed from national and EU funds, for example:
    • Accessibility Plus (facilities for seniors and people with disabilities),
    • Package for Medium Sized Cities (development of smaller centres which are not metropolises),
    • Programme for Silesia (financing investments that will gradually change the economic profile of the region and strengthen its position as an innovation centre),
    • Programme for Bieszczady (funds for investment in green, entrepreneurial, accessible and resident-friendly Bieszczady),
    • Bridges for Regions (co-financing for the construction of bridges on local government roads);
  • we monitor and coordinate the implementation of the government's most important economic strategy – the Strategy for Responsible Development;
  • we develop cooperation with countries of the EEA – Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein – these countries have granted us funds from which we are financing investment in Poland;
  • we look for new sources for financing investment – to this end we are developing, for example, public-private partnership and coordinating the use of funds from programmes managed from Brussels (e.g., from the Horizon 2020 programme or the Invest EU instrument being developed) by Polish entities (e.g., companies, universities, local governments);
  • we programme and conduct urban policy. We are working on updating the National Urban Policy - a document addressed to all Polish cities. The aim of the document is the sustainable development of cities;
  • we promote Poland and focus on international cooperation – thanks to our efforts, in 2022 Katowice has organised one of the largest United Nations events – the World Urban Forum.