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Tourism – management, administration and law

By decision of the Minister of Sport and Tourism, the first issue of the scientific journal Tourism – management, administration and law has been published. Its printed version was distributed at the Second European Congress of Sport and Tourism in Zakopane on 26-28 September 2023.

Magazyn turystyka

The journal is devoted to managerial, administrative and legal issues concerning the broadly understood tourism sector. Its publication is a response to the needs expressed by tourism businesses with regard to difficulties they encounter in seeking up-to-date reliable information on legal and administrative solutions of key importance for entities providing services to tourists and visitors.

The first issue of the journal contains information on changes that may take place in the tourism industry at different levels. The change factors entail a number of important questions regarding research on tourism. Making a correct diagnosis in the context of the ongoing changes impacting the tourism market is currently one of the main challenges for the sector recovering after the pandemic. I hope that the publication will be received with interest and I encourage you to read it,

said Secretary of State Andrzej Gut-Mostowy.

As a result of bilateral talks held during the Second European Congress of Sport and Tourism in Zakopane between Georgi Apostolov, Rector of the International Business School in Bulgaria and Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism it has been decided that the journal will contain a regular column dedicated to the partners from the International Business School from Bulgaria. The scientific journal is published by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism.



Scientific journal on tourism


Czasopismo Turystyka
Turystyka​_–​_zarządzanie,​_administracja,​_prawo​_-​_Nr​_1​_2023.pdf 2.24MB