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Minister Mariusz Kamiński met with the Minister of Migration and Asylum of the Hellenic Republic


Minister Mariusz Kamiński and Panagiotis Mitarachi – Minister of Migration and Asylum of the Hellenic Republic had an official meeting today (26 February) in the Belweder Palace. The meeting, which was also attended by Deputy Minister Bartosz Grodecki, was held as part of the visit of the Greek delegation to Poland.

Mariusz Kamiński and Panagiotis Mitarachi – Minister of Migration and Asylum of the Hellenic Republic

The visit of the Greek delegation was a continuation of the Polish-Greek consultations carried out last autumn – resolving issues such as the future shape of the EU migration and asylum policy, and the protection of the borders and the future of Schengen.

Greece is an important partner of Poland in bilateral relations and receives special attention from the European Union in connection with the migratory pressures in the south of the EU. Therefore, the aim of the meeting was to bring the positions of both Member States closer together, and to find a compromise on migration and asylum issues and border protection, which are at the core of the legislative proposals of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum being negotiated in Brussels. The discussed issues have a direct impact on the safety of the inhabitants of the EU.

The meeting also had a regional aspect. Poland presides over the Visegrad Group countries, while Greece presides over the informal group of Mediterranean countries (known as the MED5: Greece, Italy, Spain, Malta and Cyprus) particularly affected by the consequences of illegal migration. In this context, the need to protect the external borders becomes of key importance. Since 2016, Poland has consistently shown solidarity with Greece by delegating asylum experts to operations and training in the Greek islands and on the continent, as well as through officers participating in Frontex operations in Greece. Being aware of the strain on the Greek reception system, Poland has declared its readiness to continue providing effective support to the Greek plan.

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