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Humanitarian aid to Ukraine


For the last several days, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London has been receiving information about the readiness of UK-based people of good will to support humanitarian aid efforts in Poland for those affected by the war in Ukraine. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the assistance provided by many entities and individuals.

Flag of Ukraine

Currently, humanitarian assistance on the territory of Poland is provided under the Polish government coordination mechanism:

Aim: The aim of providing humanitarian assistance in a crisis area is to alleviate suffering and to secure basic subsistence needs of people in need with full respect for their rights and dignity. Organising operations in a crisis area is particularly challenging and requires that involved actors work together and analyse the needs on an ongoing basis. 

Priority: One of the main priorities for the provision of assistance is its effectiveness in reaching the largest possible group of people in need and meeting their specific needs as efficiently as possible, taking into account the dynamics of the conflict itself and the situation of the people affected, as well as optimising the resources and reducing the costs of the assistance provided.

Action: Any actions undertaken should not disrupt the local economy and should draw as much as possible on the expertise of the entities experienced in the provision of professional assistance in order to manage it effectively.

We call on everyone wishing to help not to organise further collections of in-kind donations, as their transport to Poland – followed by a lengthy unloading, storage, selection and distribution procedure – generates disproportionate amounts of additional work and cost, which proves ineffective and counterproductive to the needs of those affected. 

We encourage everyone wishing to help to organise fundraisers and direct donations of funds to verified organisations that will use the funds received for assistance provided in accordance with the strict needs and effective operation in the long term.

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