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Cooperation on offshore wind energy in Poland


Cooperation in the field of offshore wind energy in Poland was the main subject of a videoconference with the signatories of the letter of intent signed in July 2020. The event, which took place on 24 September 2020, was attended by Vice-Minister of Climate, Government Plenipotentiary for RES, Ireneusz Zyska.

Współpraca w zakresie morskiej energetyki wiatrowej w Polsce

During the opening of the meeting, Vice-Minister Ireneusz Zyska pointed out that it took place on World Maritime Day. As he pointed out, this date is particularly linked with offshore wind energy for another, more important reason.

The draft law on the promotion of electricity generation in offshore wind farms, on which we are working intensively in the Ministry of Climate, has been submitted to the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers and will soon be under consideration, said Vice-Minister of Climate Ireneusz Zyska.

He also mentioned that this project is treated as a priority by the Ministry of Climate. We are doing our best to submit the draft to the Parliament in autumn so that the legislation can enter into force later this year, he added.

Vice-Minister Zyska also reminded that on 1 July 2020, a Letter of Intent on cooperation in the development of offshore wind energy in Poland was signed, kicking off the cooperation for the development of offshore wind energy sector.

We are glad that a very large number of entities have joined the work and expressed their willingness to cooperate. We also encourage other entities to join in this initiative, Minister Zyska added.

As he pointed out, in order to achieve optimal results of offshore wind energy development and reap the most benefits, it is crucial for the government to cooperate with representatives of the sector, current and future investors, developers, as well as the supply chain – entrepreneurs who will be involved in the preparation, supply, implementation and operation of offshore wind farms.

The Government Plenipotentiary for RES also added that cooperation in the field of offshore wind energy will take place within the established working groups, who will undertake work on the development, signing and implementation of the “Polish Offshore Sector Deal”, taking into account the interests, rights and obligations of the participants in the sectoral agreement.

The final outcome of this work will be an agreement based on the model of the British Sector Deal, taking into account the circumstances of Poland and guiding the development of the domestic offshore wind energy industry.
