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Programme Environment, Energy and Climate Change

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


About the EEA and Norway Grants

The EEA and Norway Grants are financial mechanisms financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The aim of the Grants is twofold – to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and to strengthen the bilateral relations between the three donor countries and the 15 European countries which receive the funding, with Poland being the largest beneficiary.

The EEA and Norway Grants fund a wide variety of topics, ranging from business development and innovation to human rights, culture and climate change.

About the Programme Environment, Energy and Climate Change

The Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme addresses in broad and comprehensive manner the challenge of global warming.

Climate change affects economic and social development in Europe. It influences the sustainability of our societies, the potential for economic growth, the state of ecosystems, as well as our quality of life. The problem of climate change is global. To mitigate its negative impact the Programme includes activities in the field of energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as ecosystems protection and environmental monitoring.

Programme Budget

The Programme benefits from € 140 million grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants.

The financing is complemented by the national funding: € 24 million of grants, as well as financial mechanisms in the form of low interest loans. 

Programme Operator

Ministry of Climate as a Programme Operator is responsible for awarding funding and monitoring projects within Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme. Ministry of Climate fulfills its obligations with the support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

Programme Partners

  • Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA)
  • Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
  • National Energy Authority of Iceland (OS)

Expected results of the Programme

Climate change adaptation and mitigation in urban areas

The following deliverables are expected:

  • Measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation on municipal level implemented;
  • Awareness raising activities on climate change mitigation and adaptation carried out;
  • Air pollution analysis and monitoring systems launched;
  • Projects on circular economy piloted and awareness raising activities implemented.

Environment and ecosystems

The following types of activities are planned to be financed:

  • Ecosystem management plans implemented;
  • Measures against invasive alien species carried out;
  • Improved mapping and assessment of ecosystems services;
  • Activities related to the protection of the environment and ecosystems carried out by the NGOs.

Improving energy efficiency

The following outputs are planned for energy efficiency:

  • Energy efficiency in school buildings;
  • Energy efficiency in industry and power generation (co-generation);
  • Improved energy efficiency of municipal heating systems;
  • Increased production of renewable energy from biomass.

Increased energy production from renewable sources

The following deliverables are expected:

  • Geothermal energy potential increased;
  • Hydropower energy potential increased.

Enhanced bilateral cooperation between institutions from Poland and Donor States

Supplementary to the above-mentioned areas special Fund for Bilateral Relations has been set up to directly support bilateral initiatives between Poland and Donor States like matchmaking events or training and studies. The Fund envisages also pre-defined initiatives, in different areas, agreed upon in the Joint Committee of the Fund for Bilateral Relations.

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