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Ministry of Climate has Prepared a Report on the Safety of Gas Supplies for 2019


The Ministry of Climate has prepared a report on the results of monitoring the safety of gas supplies for 2019. In accordance with the document, during the time the Polish natural gas system was operating without any issues, and the safety of natural gas supplies was not compromised.

wykres z danymi

Minister of Climate Michał Kurtyka believes that the potential of the gas sector and gas infrastructure may play a key role in energy transition in Poland.

Using natural gas as a transition fuel, as well as gas infrastructure in the area of the so-called decarbonised gasses (hydrogen and biomethane) is a chance to increase the use of natural gas and gas infrastructure on the path to emission-free economy - said Minister Kurtyka.

The data shows that the increasing use of gas fuels is fully satisfied from diversified sources and the decreased share of import in the balance is replaced with supplied from reliable and stable suppliers.  LNG remains the pillar of the increasing level of diversification, as its share in the supply balance continues to grow dynamically.

The report shows that the structure of national gas supplies remains at a sustainable level and the national production including the diversified international imports guarantees the safety of gas deliveries to the recipients.

The assumptions of the diversification policy require the continuation of tasks with regards to expanding energy interconnection systems, and well as the national energy distribution and transmission networks. The operators of the energy transmission company and distributions grids consistently implement projects related to the expansion of the gas network, bringing natural gas to the largest possible group of recipients.


The report developed by the Ministry of Climate presents a comprehensive description of the current state of the Polish gas industry and the developments in ensuring the safety of gas deliveries to the recipients.
