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70 percent of Poles believe that local pro-family policies are important


- It is important to create a good climate around the family – said Minister Marlena Maląg during the debate “Self-government PRO FAMILIA, what does it entail?”. – We need to build a broad coalition of government, local government and NGO action. Only this will make it possible to reverse the unfavourable demographic trends.

polityka prorodzinna

Almost all young Poles want to have children. How can we help them? Participants in the debate “Self-government PRO FAMILIA, what does it entail?” sought answers to this question.

According to a 2019 CBOS survey, 98 percent of young Poles say they want to have children. Unfortunately, demographic trends are not optimistic throughout Europe.

– Therefore, the funds provided by the government for families should be treated as an investment and not as a cost – she stressed during the debate “Self-government PRO FAMILIA, what does it entail?” Marlena Maląg, Minister of the Family. – The government secures the money, but it is up to local authorities to decide how to spend it. She also thanked the local authorities for their active participation in shaping and implementing pro-family policies.

The activity of local authorities in activities aimed at families is recognised by them. According to a survey commissioned by the Family Ministry in February this year, as many as 68% of respondents believe that implementing pro-family policy is important for their local government, and more than half of respondents (55%) admit that they know that their local government implements pro-family policy or creates appropriate conditions for their family.

We should increase the dignity of the family

– Above all, we want to raise the dignity of the family, to restore its rightful place – Minister Maląg stressed. She pointed out that one of the government's “Toddler+” programme, to which more than PLN 2 billion has been allocated so far, gives parents the choice and opportunity to reconcile work and family life. – This is what parents expect. We are working with Minister Barbara Socha to ensure that these funds are even higher in future editions – said Minister Maląg.

– The demographic situation in Europe is difficult, but there are regions that are doing better – said Government Plenipotentiary for Demographic Policy Barbara Socha. – Although finances are the responsibility of the government, spatial order, housing policy or the creation of family-friendly living conditions depend to a large extent on local governments.

All lies with the self-governments

Dr Krzysztof Szwarc, demographer and economist from the Poznań University of Economics, noted that the current demographic situation is also influenced by the demographic decline of previous years. In his view, families with more children should be rewarded, not just supported. He added that comprehensive action is needed at local government level.

And these, thanks to family-friendly policies, can build their attractiveness to attract residents. According to a survey by the Family Ministry, 70 percent of respondents agree with the statement that it is important for the local government to have a family-friendly policy, and 44 percent of respondents believe that having a family-friendly policy is a decisive criterion when choosing a municipality or a city for housing purposes.

Supporting, recognising and seeing the benefits of the potential of large families was also recommended by Judyta Kruk from the Association of Large Families 3+. Marcin Witko, Mayor of Tomaszów Mazowiecki, boasted about the innovative “Breath for Families” programme, through which nursery workers and volunteers relieve parents in the afternoon, giving them space to spend time together.

– I am glad that the Ministry of the Family is handling this issue – said Dorota Bojemska, President of the Family Council. – There are two key groups in this area – young people considering the decision to have children and parents considering whether to have more children.

Family-friendly policies enriches municipalities

The debate also noted that family-friendly policies implemented locally may attract not just families. At the local level, it can bring tangible – also economic – benefits to the local authorities themselves. Experts pointed to a system of interconnected vessels. As the number of families with children in the municipality increases – the number of taxpayers, but more importantly employees increase as well. An increased number of employees increases the attractiveness of the municipality for entrepreneurs when selecting the seat of their business. The more companies that pay taxes, the bigger the municipal budget. A bigger budget means more money to invest in infrastructure and the comfort of residents. The higher the wellbeing of families, the greater their satisfaction and happiness, which can be a driving force for local government.

Contest for small homelands

During the debate, Minister Marlena Maląg recalled the “Samorząd pro familia 2021” competition, which aims to recognise local governments that particularly stand out in terms of implementing pro-family policies. To meet the requests of local government officials who reported that due to the ongoing pandemic they were having difficulties collecting competition documentation, the Ministry of Family decided to extend the time for submitting applications until 16 April this year.
