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Information regarding quarantine and home isolation at the Social Insurance Institution's website


Payers of contributions as well as insured persons can access the quarantine or home isolation data using the Social Insurance Institution's Electronic Services Platform (PUE). These information are required for the payment of sickness benefits.

Rodzina w maseczkach

Since 24 October this year, the basis for the issuance of sickness benefits to persons under quarantine or home isolation is the information about the fact included in the IT system Centrum e-Zdrowia (EWP System) [E-health Centre].

The Social Insurance Institution collects data from that system and shares it with the contribution payers at their PUE ZUS profiles. The insured person can also access the information on their quarantine or isolation via the PUE ZUS profile.

The data refers to persons which quarantine, or isolation was ongoing on 22 October or will start on that day; it is available on the PUE ZUS platform in the new tab “Kwarantanna, izolacja domowa” [“Quarantine, home isolation”]

Instructions for the contributor

In order to check the information on the quarantine or home isolation, please log in to the PUE ZUS platform and navigate to the “Payer” tab. Next, select “Kwarantanna, izolacja domowa” [“Quarantine, home isolation”] from the menu on the left.

After opening the tab, you will see information, such as identification data of the insured (i.e. name, surname, personal identification number PESE), the type of decision, start and end date of the quarantine or isolation, entry status (applicable – the most current information on the quarantine or home isolation, replaced – information which has been replaced with a new one with “applicable” status).

If you wish to check just for persons in home isolation, please apply a filter.

The information visible on the screen can be printed or saved on the computer as xsl, csv, pdf, txt and xml files.

Instructions for the insured

Please log in to the PUE ZUS platform and navigate to the “Ubezpieczony” [“Insured”] tab. Next, select “Kwarantanna, izolacja domowa” [“Quarantine, home isolation”] from the menu on the left.

After opening the tab, you will see information, such as identification data of the insured the type of decision, start and end date of the quarantine or isolation, entry status (applicable – the most current information on the quarantine or home isolation, replaced – information which has been replaced with a new one with “applicable” status).

If the person is covered by multiple decisions, they will be visible in the PUE ZUS account. The relevant information, such as the type of decision, quarantine or isolation start date can be found using the filter.

The information visible on the screen can be printed or saved on the computer as xsl, csv, pdf, txt and xml files.

Sickness benefit issued by the Social Insurance Institution

In order to receive sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Institution, please submit a relevant application directly to the Social Insurance Institution or through your employer. The application can be completed and sent electronically via PUE ZUS.

The Social Insurance Institution will verify the information on the quarantine or home isolation based on the relevant information from the e-Health Centre IT system.

Sickness benefit issued by the employer

Issuing the benefit requires only the information on the quarantine or isolation, available through the payer panel in PUE ZUS.

In the event that the insured person is under quarantine or home isolation and the relevant information is not visible on the employer's PUE ZUS profile, the person must submit a written declaration to the employer within 3 working days after the quarantine or isolation. The declaration should contain a confirmation of the obligatory quarantine or isolation. The payer should issue a request to the State Sanitary Inspector to confirm the information contained in the declaration.

Important information for persons under quarantine or isolation

Persons who have been placed in quarantine or are covered by home isolation and who apply for sickness benefits are not under obligation to submit a written decision issued by sanitary services to the Social Insurance Institution or to their employer. They are not obliged to hold a doctor’s certificate confirming home isolation.

At the same time, they should remember to inform their employer of the reason for their absence. Such information can be provided for instance by phone or email.
