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Meeting of Deputy Minister Anna Schmidt with ambassadors


Anna Schmidt, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policy and Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment, met ambassadors of, among others, the United Kingdom, Slovakia and Cuba. The meeting was held in the Residency of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Spotkanie wiceminister Anny Schmidt z ambasadorkami

On Tuesday, 22 November, Anna Schmidt, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policy and Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment, visited the Residence of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, where she met ambassadors of, among others, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, Cuba, Lebanon, South Africa, Philippines, Hungary, Albania, Azerbaijan and Sri Lanka.


The main topic of the meeting was the presentation of the National Programme for Equal Treatment and the draft act on counteracting domestic violence. The participants of the meeting also exchanged good practices and jointly supported the “Orange the World” campaign, that aims to draw attention to and raise awareness of the problem of gender-based violence.
