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Meeting with seniors in the Ministry of Family and Social Policy


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister Marlena Maląg held the meeting with seniors in the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. They presented the main objectives of the family policy addressing the elderly.

Meeting with seniors in the Ministry of Family and Social Policy

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki emphasized that the Government of the United Right, while fulfilling its election promises, has been improving the financial condition of the pensioners for years. This includes reintroduction of the earlier pension age, extremely favourable indexation of benefits and payment of the 13th and 14th pensions. The activation programmes – Senior+ and Active+ - add up to these measures.

For us, the senior policy addressing the today’s grandmothers, mothers and fathers is the foundation of the social policy and the overall philosophy of state – said Prime Minister Morawiecki. 

13th pension is already crediting the seniors’ accounts

Minister Marlena Maląg stressed that the family policy supporting the families with children and older persons forms a strong foundation of the state.

The payments of 13th pension are launched. The funds will be sent on the accounts of about a million of pensioners already today. This is a kind of inflation shield for these persons and their families – said Minister Maląg. 

She ensured that support under the social policy will be continued. “We will proceed the act on annual payment of the 14th pension soon” – announced Minister Maląg.

The measures addressing the seniors will be continued. We invest in families with small children and the elderly, since the reliability and inter-generation solidarity is a flagship of the Law and Justice Government – emphasized the Minister.
