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Minister Maląg: family is an investment.


We perceive supporting families as an investment, not a cost. Family is a foundation of all of our activities. We are developing a demographic strategy to designate the further directions for providing support to families, to help us reverse the negative demographic trends – said the Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg during the press conference.

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The conference held on Tuesday was dedicated to the “Family on Air” carried out jointly by Fundacja Mamy i Taty [“Mom and Dad Foundation”] and Fundacja Instytut Wiedzy o Rodzinie i Społeczeństwie [“Institute of Knowledge on Family and Society Foundation”]. The project is implemented under the “Family First!” competition.

The competition was announced by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. It aims to support marriage as the best environment for bringing up children, prepare young couples to face the challenges of family life and to establish environment particularly friendly towards families.

During this year’s edition of the programme, non-governmental organisations could apply for co-financing informational, educational and training projects. The Ministry of Family has allocated PLN 8.5 million for the projects. 38 non-governmental organisations have received co-financing. “Family on Air” is one of the projects co-financed under the programme.

We wish to reach the social consciousness with the message that family is irreplaceable, and that the "Family First” is not just merely a marketing slogan. We want to present the family as a good and modern lifestyle. We wish to show that family has a potential which is not to be found anywhere else – said the president of the Institute of Knowledge on Family and Society Foundation prof. Michał A. Michalski.

Marek Grabowski, the president of the Mom and Dad Foundation spoke in a similar tone: - I am proud that we have managed to launch the project jointly. We treat it as a key project. During the 10 years of our activity, we have managed to collect considerable knowledge and a group of experts, people invested in the cause, who care about the matters related to family, culture and the values associated with families.”

Minister Marlena Maląg added that the “Family First!” competition aims to “establish family as a brand”. She also added that the competition is another example of measures taken by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy in support of families. The Minister also reminded about other programmes dedicated to families - Family 500+, Good Start and Toddler+. She also mentioned the demographic strategy which is being created in the Ministry and which is to set the directions of family support.

Demographic trends are a challenge for our government, we want young people to start their own families and to have children. The strategy will allow us to diagnose the areas which need further support – says Marlena Maląg.
