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More job vacancies in May. Poland in second place with the lowest unemployment in the EU


The number of job offers submitted by employers to labour offices in May this year was almost 25 percent higher than in April. – That is a great forecast for the future - comments Marlena Maląg, Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. Moreover, the number of active businesses is now greater than before the pandemic. Eurostat positively assesses the situation in Poland, as it ranks second in terms of lowest unemployment in the European Union.


The number of vacancies and vocational activation places registered by employers in labour offices in May amounted to 72.2 thousand, and thus was larger by 14 thousand, i.e. by 24 percent in relation to  April.

– The increase in the number of job offers in May was noted in all voivodeships. In the current situation in the labour market, it is undoubtedly an optimistic prognosis for the future. In addition, despite the current epidemic, there are still sectors which require an additional labour force as well as companies which are still recruiting - notes the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy Marlena Maląg.

The largest number of offers submitted to the Poviat Labour Office in May was dedicated to auxiliary employees in the processing industry, workers performing simple tasks in industry, manual packers, warehouse workers, maintenance workers, auxiliary construction workers, cleaners or sales personnel.

The report published by Grant Thompson shows even better results - according to the report, the number of new job offers in May was larger by 37.7 percent in relation to April.

There are more active businesses now than before the pandemic

The newest data from the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) from early June of this yeas shows that there are currently 2.48 million active businesses. That is approximately 2 thousand more in relation to 11th March, i.e. the day on which the COVID-19 epidemic was introduced in Poland. Interestingly, the current number of active businesses is also greater than the number registered at the beginning of 2020, when business activity was carried out by 2.46 million companies.

– This are great news which show that Polish business owners are doing well in the new reality and that our economy is gradually starting to recover - indicates Minister Marlena Maląg.

Eurostat: Poland with the second lowest unemployment level in the EU.

In addition, the newest Eurostat data from April shows a stable situation of the labour market in Poland. The unemployment rate amounted to 2.9%, which is as much as in March and it was the second-best result among the European Union Member States after the Czech Republic (2.1%).

At the same time, the average unemployment rate in European Union Member States has increased from 6.4% in March to 6.6% in April.

Minister Maląg: we support entrepreneurs and protect jobs

The support provided to entrepreneurs under both shields - anti-crisis and financial - played an important role in ensuring a good and stable situation in the labour market. It amounts to a total of PLN 73.5 billion.

– Each day we have evidence which proves the importance of the quick launch of the anti-crisis shield which includes remuneration subsidies, loans for micro-entrepreneurs, contribution exemptions and idle time benefit. The anti-crisis shield is now a support calculated in tens of billions of zlotys. In a little over two months, we have transferred approximately PLN 22.1 billion to business owners in the form of various instruments under the anti-crisis shield alone - says Minister Marlena Maląg.

A low increase in unemployment in May

The estimates carried out by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Policy shows that registered unemployment rate by the end of May amounted to 6% and has increased by 0,2 percentage points in relation to April. That is a smaller increase in comparison to April - at that time, the unemployment rate increased to 5.8% from 5.4% in March. Earlier, based on the preliminary information, we informed that the unemployment rate in April amounted to approximately 5.7%

– Until today, May was typically characterised by a seasonal drop in unemployment. However, the global coronavirus pandemic had an impact on almost all areas of social and economic life - including the increase in unemployment. Despite that fact, the situation in Poland is currently relatively stable and we are not observing any increases in that area. Undoubtedly, our support packages for entrepreneurs constituting the anti-crisis and financial shields have contributed to that, as they protect employment - indicates Minister Marlena Maląg.

In comparison to the end of May of 2019, the registered unemployment rate by the end of May of 2020 has increased by 0.6 percentage points.

46 thousand people who unregistered from labour offices have took up employment, internship or started their own economic activity.

The number of the unemployed at the end of May amounted to 1 million and 11.7 thousand people and has increased by approximately 46 thousand people, i.e. By 4.8% in relation to the end of April 2020.

The data contained in the analytical and reporting system CeSAR shows that despite the fact that 104 thousand unemployed people have registered in labour offices in May, at the same time approximately 58 thousand people have unregistered.

– The number of people who have unregistered from labour offices due to taking up employment, starting their own business, taking up subsidised employment, becoming an intern or being registered to training amounted to 45.9 thousand and was larger by 13.6 thousand people, i.e. 42 percent in comparison to April. This is a great message – indicated Minister Marlena Maląg.
