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New social services


The Act of 28 July 2023 amending the Social Assistance Act and certain other acts was published in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland on 24 August 2023

New social services

The amendment has introduced new services to the social assistance scheme, i.e. care services provided in the form of neighbourhood services and short-term stays at social assistance homes in the form of day or 24-hour care. Another novelty is that people nearing the end of their stay in penitentiary establishments can use the provision of social work within 3 months before the end of their prison sentence.

Furthermore, the new legislation reforms sheltered housing by replacing it with training or supported accommodation. The changes include also enhancing the legal protection of social workers and introduce the obligation for social assistance homes and 24-hour care establishments to keep a register of notifications of special events.

The Act enters into force on 1 November 2023.

The provisions on the register of notifications of special events and on the change in the amount of the permanent benefit are the exception, as they become effective on 1 January 2024.

Links to the amendment:
