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Obligations of the employer

The employer is subject to a number of obligations in relation to the employment of employees.

These include the following:

  • hiring of the employee (admitting the employee to work in a suitable job),
  • paying the employee remuneration for their work on a timely and correct basis,
  • respect for the dignity and other personal rights of the employee,
  • equal treatment of employees and the prevention of discrimination in employment, in particular on the grounds of sex, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, union membership, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, and on the grounds of fixed-term employment or employment for an indefinite term or on a full-time or part-time basis,
  • ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions for employees,
  • meeting, in accordance with their capacities and conditions, the subsistence, social and cultural needs of employees,
  • informing employees of the terms and conditions of their employment (such as working time standards, overtime rules and compensation for overtime),
  • facilitating the improvement of employees’ professional qualifications,
  • familiarising employees taking up work with their responsibilities, method of performing work on designated posts and their basic rights,
  • organising work in a way that ensures full use of the working time,
  • facilitating the improvement of employees’ professional qualifications,
  • application of objective and fair criteria for the assessment of employees and their performance,
  • keeping and storage of paper or electronic documentation in matters relating to the employment relationship and the employee’s personal file (staff dossier),
  • keeping staff dossiers in such a way as to ensure their confidentiality, integrity, completeness and availability, under conditions which do not risk damage or destruction, for the duration of employment, and for a period of 10 years from the end of the calendar year in which the employment relationship was terminated or expired, unless separate provisions provide for a longer period of retention of staff dossier,
  • informing employees in the manner customary for the employer of full-time or part-time employment opportunities, promotion opportunities, vacancies, and informing temporary employees of vacancies.

The employer is required to counteract workplace mobbing (psychological harassment) at work.

In connection with the termination or expiration of the employment relationship, the employer is obliged to immediately issue an employment certificate to the employee.

Translated with the support of the European Labour Authority
