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Social welfare homes. The safety of residents and employees is our priority


Ensuring the continuity of the facilities on the one hand, and the safety of the residents and staff on the other is a great challenge. We act to ensure the safety of all people, including residents and employees of social welfare homes. These include new regulations on the organisation of work, personal protective equipment and additional financial support during the pandemic.

Dłonie starszych osób

Additional financial support during the pandemic

Over half a billion PLN under the EU funds have already been allocated to counteracting the negative effects of the coronavirus epidemic under the priorities of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education for Development (OP KED), headed by the Ministry of Family.

Out of this amount, approximately PLN 327 million was allocated to support the residents and personnel of social welfare homes in projects selected under an extraordinary procedure. PLN 175 million are funds allocated for additional remuneration for the employees of the units. The funding also involves approximately PLN 51 million to increase the value of four projects in support of the Social Welfare Homes implemented by the Regional Social Policy Centres in Toruń, Rzeszów, Katowice and Cracow.

Since the beginning of the pandemic we have provided our facilities with thousands of litres of disinfectants, millions of masks, gloves, thousands of visors and protective suits. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, in addition to EU funds, PLN 50 million has already been allocated to local governments under the special-purpose reserve of the state budget for support in operating social welfare homes. At the beginning of the pandemic, the total sum amounted to PLN 20 million PLN, while afterwards it amounted to PLN 30 million. The situation in nursing homes is a particularly important issue for the Ministry of Family.

New regulations. To ensure continuity of operations

The coronavirus does not stop; therefore we must adapt to the prevailing conditions and learn to function in the new reality. A new regulation was introduced concerning the organization of work in social welfare organizational units providing 24/7 services.

We are committed to ensuring the continuity of their operation during a pandemic, as well as the safety of the staff and the inhabitants of the facilities. New regulations are a response to the demands of local governments running, among others, social welfare homes. It is worth to note that each measure should be consulted with the employees.

Regulations covering social welfare organizational units - e.g. social welfare homes - concern, among others, issuing a work schedule, overtime work, exercising the right to rest at an area designated by the employer without the possibility to leave, as well as clarifying the issue of providing employees with accommodation and boarding outside working hours.
