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No 02-2010, M. Zachłod-Jelec: Interrelations between consumption and wealth in Poland


This paper studies the long-run relationship between consumption, labour income and asset wealth in Poland. Within cointegrated VAR model dynamic responses of the variables in the system to shocks are studied. In addition series are decomposed into permanent and transitory components.

Main conclusion of this paper is that deviations of the three variables from their estimated long-run relationship are better explained with fluctuations of labour income than assets. The paper offers a tentative explanation of this finding. Additionally, the magnitude of the asset wealth effect in Poland is calculated and compared with other studies for European countries and for the U.S.



MF Working Papers No 02-2010
mf​_wp​_2.pdf 0.25MB
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Information on the publication of the document
First published on:
20.02.2019 14:15 Paulina Gronek
Written by:
Macroeconomic Policy Department
Title Version Edition / publication data
No 02-2010, M. Zachłod-Jelec: Interrelations between consumption and wealth in Poland 1.0 20.02.2019 14:15 Paulina Gronek

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