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State Budget Department



Director of Department: Anna Napiórkowska

Deputy Director: Edyta Kłos
Deputy Director: Anna Maksym
Deputy Director: Marcin Maniak
Deputy Director: Aleksandra Wiśniewska


phone: +48 (22) 694 40 00
fax: +48 (22) 694 54 62

The Department is responsible for the execution of tasks related to the development of the draft budget act and the execution of the state budget, including the task-oriented. It provides funds for the implementation of tasks by the administrators parts of the budget. It monitors and analyzes the liquidity of the state budget and deficit.

Public Information Bulletin Logo
Information on the publication of the document
First published on:
18.02.2019 14:16 Anna Madziar
Written by:
Anna Madziar
Title Version Edition / publication data
State Budget Department 3.0 17.10.2022 13:09 Filip Tokarski
State Budget Department 2.0 11.10.2022 10:13 Filip Tokarski
State Budget Department 1.3 11.07.2019 14:16 Piotr Kotuła
State Budget Department 1.2 01.07.2019 10:31 Filip Tokarski
State Budget Department 1.1 12.03.2019 09:49 Filip Tokarski
State Budget Department 1.0 18.02.2019 14:16 Anna Madziar

In order to obtain the archived version, please contact the PIB Editorial Office.
