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Mission and strategy

Our mission

"Effective and efficient support of environmental activities with particular emphasis on actions concerning absorption of EU funds that are managed by the National Fund."

2021-2024 Strategy

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for over 34 years has been initiating and supporting activities dedicated to the environment and energy transformation. National Fund finances and co-finances pro-ecological projects. The support from NFEP&WM is useful for entrepreneurs, local governments and state administration, as well as universities, NGOs and private individuals. For years National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has been the leader in the process of implementing programs improving the climate and quality of life in Poland.

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management’s activities for period 2021-2024, are directed towards the implementation of tasks related to the climate change process and the fight against air pollution. Currently, the overarching goal – not only for Poland, but also for the entire European Union – is to pursue climate-neutral economy, that is based on the limited use of fossil fuels and the increase use of alternative, renewable energy sources and heat, as well as energy efficiency and circular economy – all at the level of households, enterprises and regions.
