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Secretariats, Departments, Offices

Prime Minister’s Office


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director -
  • Deputy Director - Grzegorz Gmyrek
  • Deputy Director - Monika Roguska
  • Deputy Director - Rafał Hykawa


telephone number to the secretariat (+48) 22 694 75 70
fax (+48) 22 694 70 53
e-mail to the secretariat:

The Office of the Prime Minister carries out tasks in the following areas:

  1. providing substantive services to the Prime Minister, the Head of the Chancellery, the Deputy Head of the Chancellery (subject to tasks performed by other organizational units of the Chancellery), the Head of the Political Cabinet of the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, performing tasks and competences on behalf of the Prime Minister within the scope entrusted to him (by the Prime Minister);

  2. coordinating the cooperation of the Prime Minister with the President of the Republic of Poland, in the field of countersignature of official acts of the President of the Republic of Poland and other state bodies;

  3. coordinating the personnel policy implemented in the government administration and handling personnel matters of persons holding managerial state positions, advisors and political assistants employed in the Law Firm;

  4. matters related to the appointment and dismissal of presidents, vice-presidents and members of local government boards of appeal, as well as presidents and members of regional chambers of auditors, on the basis of documentation provided by the minister responsible for administration, and members of consultative and advisory bodies operating at the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister, the Head of the Chancellery, ministers and other bodies whose members are appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister, as well as matters concerning members of other bodies, where special provisions so provide;

  5. requests addressed to the Prime Minister on the allocation of funds from the general reserve of the state budget, including requests from the administrators of the budget part and other public administration entities;

  6. analysing and proceeding offers for the implementation of public tasks by non-governmental organisations conducting public benefit activities and cooperation with beneficiaries;

  7. matters related to the exercise of the Prime Minister's competence in matters of orders, decorations and special benefits;

  8. secretarial services for the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and the Head of the Political Cabinet of the Prime Minister.

Office of the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Tomasz Kacprzak
  • Deputy Director - Bartosz Nieścior
  • Deputy Director - Michał Zieliński

The Office of the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister carries out tasks in the following areas:

  1. providing organisational services to the Head of the Chancellery and the Deputy Head of the Chancellery and members of the Management of the Chancellery indicated in the internal organisational regulations, as well as substantive services to the Head of the Chancellery and the Deputy Head of the Chancellery to the extent commissioned by them;
  2. under separate regulations from the subordination or supervision of the Prime Minister over:

  • the Institute De Republica in liquidation,

  • Jan Karski Institute of War Losses,

  • Institute of Generations in Liquidation,

  • the Polish Economic Institute;

  1. supervision of the Prime Minister over the Government Centre for Security;
  2. servicing committees, teams and councils provided by the Law Firm, to the extent determined by the Head of the Law Firm, including:

    • Team for the implementation of compensation pensions granted to persons injured by soldiers of the Russian Federation,

    • the Prime Minister's Awards Team,

    • the Commission examining applications for authorisation to employ persons who have held public office,

    • the Interministerial Team for the Restoration of the Rule of Law and Constitutional Order,

    • the Interministerial Team for the Ecclesiastical Fund,

    • other teams and councils – to the extent determined by the Head of the Chancellery;

  3. coordinating the services of the Head of the Chancellery and the Deputy Head of the Chancellery in the field of visits and meetings, in particular by documenting and transmitting instructions and arrangements to the relevant organizational units of the Chancellery and other institutions and ongoing cooperation with them;

  4. preparing analyses and forecasts of phenomena in the area of economic, social or political life, in particular on the basis of social research, as well as cooperation with research institutions and experts;

  5. analysing public debate in order to identify current social and economic processes, assessing the needs and impact of public interventions;

  6. resulting from the Prime Minister's supervision over the Centre for Public Opinion Research Foundation;

  7. secretarial services for the Head of the Chancellery and the Deputy Head of the Chancellery.

The Office of the Minister for the European Union


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Kamil Sierszak

  • Deputy Director - Magdalena Brukwińska

  • Deputy Director - Dominika Bałtowska-Lisiewicz

The Office of the European Secretariat carries out tasks in the following areas:

  1. organizational, clerical, clerical and secretarial services for the Minister for European Union Affairs and the members of the Management of the Law Firm replacing him, including forwarding received correspondence to the organizational units of the Law Firm and organizational units according to their jurisdiction;

  2. ensuring the proper course of visits, meetings and telephone conversations of the Minister for European Union Affairs and the members of the Law Firm's Management replacing him;

  3. coordinating activities related to the participation of the Minister for European Union Affairs and the deputies of the Chancellery's Management in the work of the Council of Ministers and its committees, as well as cooperation with the Sejm and the Senate and other state administration bodies;

  4. functioning of management control at the level of the department of government administration, membership of the Republic of Poland in the European Union;

  5. supervising foundations for which the Minister for European Union Affairs has been designated as the supervisory authority;

  6. initiating and organizing events with the participation of the Minister for European Union Affairs in order to promote the European Union in Poland and to coordinate and supervise the implementation of educational projects concerning the European Union;

  7. coordinating the cooperation of the Minister for European Union Affairs with non-governmental organisations, social partners, advisors and experts;

  8. analyse opinion polls and public debate on matters relating to the European Union;

  9. developing program and strategic documents in the field of informing the public about Polish's membership in the European Union in cooperation with organizational units of the Law Firm;

  10. monitoring the governmental and parliamentary legislative process in terms of the implementation of the priorities of the Polish strategy in the European Union.

Government Information Centre


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Kamila Terpiał
  • Deputy Director - Mariusz Gruza
  • Deputy Director - Maciej Wewiór
  • Deputy Director - Urszula Bednarz-Brzozowska


Telephone number to the secretariat: (+48) 22 694 75 28
fax (+48) 22 840 38 10

Telephone number to the secretariat: (+48) 22 694 75 52
fax (+48) 22 694 71 27

The Government Information Centre carries out tasks in the field of:

  1. information and press services for the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, performing on behalf of the Prime Minister the tasks and competences within the scope entrusted to him (by the Prime Minister), and the Head of the Chancellery, substantive, organizational, clerical, office and secretarial services for the Undersecretary of State performing the tasks specified in the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 8 January 2002 on the organisation and tasks of press officers in the offices of government administration bodies (Journal of Laws, item 36), as well as support for the organizational units of the Chancellery in the field of information services for members of the Chancellery's Management and auxiliary and consultative bodies of the Council of Ministers;

  2. creating and making available the pages of the Public Information Bulletin relevant to the Council of Ministers and the Chancellery on the portal, substantive support of the Law Firm's websites, as well as public relations, including:

    • issuing informational and promotional publications on the work of the Council of Ministers, the activities of the Prime Minister and other events related to the activities of the Chancellery,

    • conducting information campaigns on the work of the Prime Minister,

    • keeping photographic documentation of events with the participation of the Prime Minister,

    • cooperation with ministries and voivodeship offices in social media,

    • correspondence of the Prime Minister concerning invitations, patronages, competitions and requests for charitable support;

  1. providing answers in the field of access to public information, in cooperation with the relevant organizational units of the Law Firm, including performing tasks related to the re-use of public information, not reserved for other organizational units of the Law Firm;

  2. resulting from the regulations concerning the organization of domestic flights of the Prime Minister in the Chancellery – in cooperation with the Office of the Director-General;

  3. organizational support for meetings and national visits of the Prime Minister and media support for domestic and international visits and meetings with the participation of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Head of the Chancellery, as well as visits of foreign guests hosted by the Prime Minister.

Department of National Security


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Małgorzata Żochowska
  • Deputy Director - Agnieszka Pacek
  • Deputy Director - Mariusz Tomaszewski


telephone number to the secretariat (+48) 22 694 75 54
fax (+48) 22 621 67 03
e-mail to the secretariat: 

The Department of National Security carries out tasks in the field of:

  1. substantive, analytical, legal, parliamentary, media, organizational, technical, secretarial and clerical services for the Minister – Coordinator of Special Services and Secretary of the College for Special Services in the supervision, control and coordination of the activities of special services;

  2. substantive, organizational, legal, clerical and clerical services for the Chairman of the College for Special Services – the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the College for Special Services in the area of operation of the College for Special Services, referred to in Article 11 of the Act of 24 May 2002 on the Internal Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1136, as amended. amended);

  3. performance of the tasks and powers of the Prime Minister or the Council of Ministers in relation to the special services and resulting from the Act of 5 August 2010 on the Protection of Classified Information (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 756, as amended).

Economic Department of the European Union


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Małgorzata Kałużyńska
  • Deputy Director - Wojciech Burkiewicz
  • Deputy Director - Marcin Kwasowski
  • Deputy Director - Krzysztof Bednarek


phone number to the secretariat (+48) 22 694 75 63
e-mail to the secretariat: 

The Economic Department of the European Union carries out tasks in the field of:

  1. the participation of the Law Firm in shaping the socio-economic, climate and energy policies of the European Union;

  2. developing, coordinating, and conducting negotiations in this area within the framework of the Polish administration, government documents and positions of the Republic of Poland in the field of the multiannual financial framework of the European Union budget and relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom;

  3. conducting analytical work:

  • the vision of the European Union budget, expenditure policies and the revenue side,

  • in the field of socio-economic, climate, energy issues and participation in the preparation of draft positions on reforms undertaken in the European Union,

  • concerning the socio-economic and financial effects of the Republic of Poland's membership in the European Union,

  • concerning the economic effects of the implemented and planned changes in the economic policies of the European Union for the Republic of Poland and the challenges related to the process of European integration,

  1. cooperation in providing substantive services to representatives of the Republic of Poland participating in meetings of the European Council and the Councils of the European Union in the scope of tasks referred to in points 1-3, and participation in the development of the policy strategy of the Republic of Poland within the European Union;

  2. cooperation with domestic, foreign and international think-tanks, research institutions, diplomatic missions of the Republic of Poland and government units for European policies in the Member States in the scope of tasks referred to in points 1-3, and Polish substantive coordination of participation in the Bruegel Institute – European Centre for International Economics.

Department of Development Instruments


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Grzegorz Pazura


Telephone number to the secretariat: (+48) 22 694 84 77
fax: (+48) 22 629 80 97
e-mail to the secretariat:

The Department of Development Instruments carries out tasks in the following areas:

  1. providing services to the Prime Minister in the exercise of powers specified in the provisions of the Act of 16 December 2016 on the principles of managing state property (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 125), the Act of 24 July 2015 on the Control of Certain Investments (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 415) and the Act of 17 December 2020 on Strategic Reserves (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 294);

  2. providing services to the Prime Minister in the exercise of powers specified in the provisions of the Act of 30 August 1996 on commercialisation and certain rights of employees (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 343, as amended), the Act of 29 August 1997 – Banking Law (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 2488, as amended) and the Act of 14 March 2003 on Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2153, as amended. as amended) – to the extent that they confer on the Prime Minister's powers to govern companies or state-owned legal persons;

  3. cooperation with the organizational units of the Law Firm in order to provide services to the Prime Minister in the exercise of competences specified in the provisions of the Act of 31 March 2020 amending the Act on special solutions related to preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them and certain other acts (Journal of Laws, item 568, as amended) – to the extent that to the extent that the Prime Minister's powers in relation to the COVID-19 Prevention Fund arise from them;

  4. providing services to the Council for companies with State Treasury shareholding and state legal persons;

  5. monitoring the deadlines for submitting declarations on the financial status of persons acting as the President of the State Treasury in single-member companies of the State Treasury and companies in which the State Treasury's share exceeds 50% of the share capital or 50% of the number of shares obliged to submit them to the Prime Minister, as well as analysing these declarations and storing them;

  6. cooperation with the organizational units of the Chancellery in order to provide services to the Prime Minister in the exercise of competences specified in the provisions of the Act of 12 March 2022 on assistance to Ukrainian citizens in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of this country (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 167) – to the extent that they result in the Prime Minister's powers in relation to the Assistance Fund;

  7. cooperation with the organizational units of the Chancellery in order to provide services to the Prime Minister in the exercise of competences specified in the provisions of the budget and budget-related acts concerning the transfer of Treasury securities to authorized entities;

  8. implementation of the tasks related to the Development Assistance Committee.

Department of the Committee for European Affairs


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Karolina Ostrzyniewska
  • Deputy Director - Magdalena Kurek
  • Deputy Director - Anna Piesiak
  • Deputy Director - Beata Wścisły-Białek


Telephone number to the secretariat: (+48) 22 694 75 06, (+48) 22 694 75 07
e-mail to the secretariat:

The Department of the Committee for European Affairs carries out tasks in the following areas:

  1. coordinating the participation of the Prime Minister in the meetings of the European Council, the Minister for European Union Affairs in the General Affairs Council and government administration bodies in the work of the European Union, in particular the Council of the European Union and the Permanent Representatives Committee;

  2. coordinating the work of the European Affairs Committee, including providing services to the Committee President;

  3. coordinating the implementation of the Act of 8 October 2010 on the cooperation of the Council of Ministers with the President of the Republic of Poland, the Sejm and the Senate in matters related to the membership of the Republic of Poland in the European Union (Journal of Laws, item 1395, as amended);

  4. cooperation and substantive supervision over the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union and diplomatic missions of the Republic of Poland in the Member States of the European Union within the scope of the tasks of the Minister for European Union Affairs;

  5. cooperation with the institutions responsible for coordinating the policies of the European Union in the other Member States;

  6. political and institutional dimension of the European Union and the employment of Polish citizens in the institutions and bodies of the European Union.

Department of Coordination of the Legislative Process


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • Director, Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers - Mariusz Skowroński
  • Deputy Director - Mikołaj Miącz
  • Deputy Director - Renata Halota


telephone number to the secretariat (+48) 22 694 75 00
fax (+48) 22 694 64 81
e-mail to the secretariat:

The Department of Coordination of the Legislative Process carries out tasks in the field of:o

1. to provide information, analyses, opinions and other documents of this nature for the needs of the Prime Minister, the Head of the Chancellery, the Secretary of the Council of Ministers, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, in relation to draft government documents submitted to the Council of Ministers or the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, respectively;

2. providing substantive, organizational, clerical and clerical support for the work of the Council of Ministers and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, as well as the Secretary of the Council of Ministers, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, including:

a) keeping records of documents and ensuring their proper circulation,

b) formal assessment of the submitted documents,

c) organising and coordinating meetings of the Council of Ministers and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers,

d) ensuring the handling of documentation of meetings of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Council of Ministers, including records of the proceedings;

3. ensuring substantive and editorial handling of classified government documents submitted for consideration by the Council of Ministers and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, including:

a) formal assessment of the submitted documents,

b) preparation of the final drafting, including editorial correction: draft resolutions of the Council of Ministers, draft orders of the Prime Minister, draft orders of the Head of the Chancellery and other government documents;

4. preparation of the final editing, including editorial correction:

a) draft laws and normative acts,

b) draft resolutions of the Council of Ministers and other documents adopted by the Council of Ministers,

c) draft regulations and orders of the Prime Minister and other documents of the Prime Minister indicated by the Secretary of the Council of Ministers;

5. preparing the minutes of the memorandum of understanding of the meetings of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and forwarding them to the Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers for signature to the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and disseminating them;

6. preparing and disseminating memoranda of understanding of Council of Ministerial meetings;

7. provide the Secretary of the Council of Ministers with the documents referred to in points 3, 4 and 6 for the signature of the Prime Minister;

8. forwarding signed by the Prime Minister:

a) bills – to the Sejm,

b) published legal acts, to be published,

(c) unpublished legal acts, as appropriate;

9. coordinating the activities carried out under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan by the Law Firm and external entities related to the reform of the improvement of the law-making process;

10. performing editorial work, including the preparation of transcripts based on audio recordings of meetings of the Council of Ministers and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, and the preparation of transcripts for the needs of committees established on the basis of Article 12(1)(1) or (2) of the Act of 8 August 1996 on the Council of Ministers, whose services are provided by the Chancellery, and the College for Special Services;

11. operating the workstations of the Proprietary Computer System in the field of processing documents referred to in point 2 letter d and point 3 letter b, and in the scope of editorial work referred to in point 10;

12. secretarial services of the Secretary of the Council of Ministers.

Department of Supervision and Control


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Maciej Tomczak
  • Deputy Director - Małgorzata Sokołowska


Telephone number to the secretariat: (+48) 22 694 75 36
fax: (+48) 22 694 68 25
e-mail to the secretariat:

The Supervision and Control Department carries out tasks in the following areas:

  1. resulting from the subordination or supervision of government administration bodies and offices servicing them to the Prime Minister under separate regulations to the extent not entrusted to other bodies or organizational units of the Chancellery and coordination of supervision exercised on behalf of the Prime Minister by other organizational units of the Chancellery;
  2. coordination by the Prime Minister of audit activities in government administration, including the improvement of assessment and verification functions and the quality of audits;
  3. coordinating the cooperation between the Prime Minister and the Supreme Audit Office;
  4. coordinating matters related to audits carried out at the Chancellery, including in particular audits of the Supreme Audit Office;
  5. carry out the audit, in accordance with the audit plan or the order issued by the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister, the Head of the Chancellery or the Director-General;
  6. handling reports submitted to the Prime Minister on the basis of separate regulations;
  7. coordinating activities related to the implementation of the Council of Europe's anti-corruption standards.
GovTech Poland Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 67 49
e-mail :

The GovTech Poland Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. coordinating the work of the Team for the GovTech Poland Programme and supporting it in performing the tasks set out in Order No. 55 of the Prime Minister of April 20, 2018, on the Team for the GovTech Poland Programme, including in establishing and maintaining relations with domestic and foreign entities active in the field of GovTech;
  2. setting directions for the development of the innovation ecosystem in the public sector;
  3. enhancing the public administration’s ability to cooperate with entities developing cutting-edge technical solutions and supporting and activating these entities, including through organising events and financial incentives;
  4. coordinating the work of the GovTech Centre in the Chancellery, including representing entities that are part of or perform the tasks of the Centre in relations with external entities;
  5. engaging public and private entities and individuals in the process of popularisation of standards, tools, and other solutions implemented by the Department.
Development Instruments Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 84 94, (+48) 22 694 84 77
fax: (+48) 22 629 80 97

The Development Instruments Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. providing support to the Prime Minister in exercising the competencies defined in the provisions of the Act of December 16, 2016, on the principles of state property management and the Act of July 24, 2015, on the control of certain investments;
  2. providing services to the Prime Minister in exercising the competencies set out in the provisions of the Act of August 30, 1996, on commercialisation and certain rights of employees, the Act of August 21, 1997, on real estate management, the Act of August 29, 1997 - Banking Law, and the Act of March 14, 2003, on Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego to the extent resulting from the Prime Minister’s powers concerning corporate governance of companies or state legal persons;
  3. cooperating with the organisational units of the Chancellery to provide services to the Prime Minister in the scope of exercising the competencies defined in the provisions of the Act of March 31, 2020, on amending the Act on unique solutions related to preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crises caused by them and some other acts to the extent in which they result from the Prime Minister’s competencies concerning the COVID-19 Counteracting Fund;
  4. providing services of the Council for companies with Treasury shareholding and state legal persons;
  5. monitoring deadlines for submission of declarations of the wealth of persons performing the function of president in companies wholly owned by the Treasury and companies in which the Treasury shareholding exceeds 50% of the initial capital or 50% of the number of shares obliged to submit them to the Prime Minister, and analyse these declarations and store them.
Department of the Committee for European Union Affairs


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 06, (+48) 22 694 75 07

The Department of the Committee for European Union Affairs shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. coordinating the Prime Minister’s participation in the meetings of the European Council, the Minister for European Union Affairs in the General Affairs Council, and government administration bodies in the work of the European Union, particularly, of the Council of the European Union and the Permanent Representatives Committee;
  2. coordinating the work of the Committee for European Union Affairs, including ensuring support for the Committee Chairperson;
  3. coordinating the implementation of the Act of October 8, 2010, on cooperation with the Sejm and Senate in matters related to the Republic of Poland’s membership in the European Union;
  4. cooperation and technical supervision of the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union and the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Poland in the European Union Member States within the scope of responsibilities of the Minister for European Union Affairs;
  5. cooperating with institutions responsible for the coordination of European Union policies in other Member States;
  6. the political and institutional dimension of the European Union and Polish citizens’ employment in the European Union institutions and bodies.
Coordination Department of the Strategic Analysis Centre


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 16

The Coordination Department of the Strategic Analysis Centre shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. providing substantive, organisational, secretarial and office services to the Head of the Strategic Analysis Centre;
  2. providing organisational services for the Strategic Analysis Centre in the scope of works of the Governmental Work Programming Team, the Council of Ministers, the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers, and committees of the Council of Ministers;
  3. providing organisational services to the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Strategic Projects Portfolio Monitoring Council;
  4. coordination of the work of the departments forming the Strategic Analysis Centre in terms of their participation in the government legislative process.
Legislative Process Coordination Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 00
fax: (+48) 22 694 64 81

The Legislative Process Coordination Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. preparing, for the needs of the Prime Minister, the Head of the Chancellery, the Secretary of the Council of Ministers, the Chairperson of the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers, and the Secretary of the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers, information, analyses, opinions, and other documents of such nature with reference to draft government documents submitted, respectively, to the Council of Ministers or the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers;
  2. providing substantive, organisational, clerical, and office support for the work of the Council of Ministers, the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers, the Secretary of the Council of Ministers, the Chairperson of the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Secretary of the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers, including:
    • keeping records of documents and ensuring their proper circulation;
    • formally assessing the submitted documents;
    • organising and coordinating the meetings of the Council of Ministers and the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers;
    • preparing minutes of the meetings of the Council of Ministers and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and their distribution;
  3. preparing the final editing, including editorial correction of:
    • draft laws, normative acts, and other documents adopted by the Council of Ministers;
    • draft regulations and the Prime Minister’s orders and other documents indicated by the Secretary of the Council of Ministers;
    • draft orders of the Head of the Chancellery;
  4. transmitting the documents referred to in point 3 letters a and b to the Secretary of the Council of Ministers for submission to the Prime Minister for signature;
  5. transmitting the following signed by the Prime Minister:
    • draft laws - to the Sejm;
    • published legal acts - for publication;
    • unpublished legal acts - according to jurisdiction;
  6. providing editorial work, including preparing transcripts based on audio recordings of meetings, sessions, conferences, and interviews for the needs of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister, the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers, other committees of the Council of Ministers and organisational units of the Chancellery.
International Projects Coordination Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 63 38

The International Projects Coordination Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. coordinating the Prime Minister’s domestic and foreign visits and meetings with representatives of foreign and international institutions, organisations, agencies, think-tanks, associations, foundations, and NGOs;
  2. carrying out tasks for foreign projects, primarily in the field of cooperation with foreign and international think-tanks, research institutions, foundations, non-profit organisations, and non-governmental organisations;
  3. providing services to foreign journalists and stakeholders, in cooperation with the Government Information Centre and other organisational units of the Chancellery depending on substantive needs, particularly concerning working out answers to foreign journalists' questions;
  4. preparation of documents, thesis and information materials, factual notes and communications for international cooperation of the Prime Minister and persons acting in the place of or on the instructions of the Prime Minister with the afore-mentioned organisations and institutions.
Supervision and Control Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 36
fax: (+48) 22 694 68 25

The Supervision and Control Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. the Prime Minister’s supervising the units and entities exercised under separate regulations to the extent not entrusted to other bodies or organisational units of the Chancellery, and taking steps to coordinate the oversight exercised on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Digital Affairs by the organisational units of the Chancellery;
  2. the Prime Minister's coordination of control activities in the government administration, including the improvement of the evaluation and verification functions and the quality of control, and the coordination of the Prime Minister's cooperation with the Supreme Chamber of Control;
  3. implementation of control, following the control plan or the order issued by the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Digital Affairs, the Head of the Chancellery, or the Director-General;
  4. preparing, based on the conclusions of the conducted activities, recommendations or proposals for changes in the implementation of public tasks.
Regulatory Impact Assessment Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 18
fax: (+48) 22 694 63 74

The Regulatory Impact Assessment Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. providing opinions on regulatory impact assessments prepared for draft government documents;
  2. issuing opinions, for the Prime Minister’s needs, on the submitted activity plans of ministers and analysing the effects of the activity of the committees of the Council of Ministers;
  3. issuing opinions on the compliance of draft government documents with strategic documents.
Digital Policy Department


phone: (+48) 22 245 55 29

The Digital Policy Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. shaping digital policy and Internet governance policy, organising the World Internet Governance Forum and IGF Poland, and promoting national and international digital dialogue;
  2. policy-making regarding European Union funds and programming of the European Union Multiannual Financial Framework and Technical Assistance and fulfilling the function of a Partnership Agreement Surrounding Institution in the digital area;
  3. European and international digital regulations, normative acts, and other non-normative acts regarding the Digital Single Market and Digital Space Management;
  4. communication, educational and information activities regarding the use of digital technologies;
  5. supervision of the Minister in charge of digitisation over the Centre for Digital Poland Projects.
European Union Law Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 61, (+48) 22 694 75 62

The European Union Law Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. preparing opinions on compliance with European Union law:
    • governmental draft acts of universally binding law and draft international agreements, on principles laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the Council of Ministers;
    • draft laws, on principles laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the Sejm and Senate;
  2. representing the Republic of Poland in proceedings before European Union judicial bodies and the Court of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and monitoring the execution of judgments of the European Union judicial bodies;
  3. coordinating the implementation of European Union law into the Polish legal system, primarily acting as the administrator of the e-STEP database and as the national coordinator of the database of notification of national implementing measures;
  4. coordinating the participation in proceedings concerning the infringement of European Union law by the Republic of Poland conducted by European Union institutions and bodies, particularly, acting as the national coordinator of the infringement database;
  5. carrying out analyses in the field of European Union law for the needs of the minister competent for the membership of the Republic of Poland in the European Union and other government administration bodies.
Government Work Programming Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 65
fax: (+48) 22 694 72 05

The Government Work Programming Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. providing substantive and organisational support for the Government Work Programming Team, including the preparation and circulation of documents related to its work;
  2. maintaining the List of legislative or programming works of the Council of Ministers and the List of legislative works of the Prime Minister on the website of the Public Information Bulletin of the Council of Ministers and the Chancellery;
  3. drawing up the List of bills for which the planned date of adoption by the Council of Ministers has been specified in the List of legislative or programmatic works of the Council of Ministers, within the framework of fulfilling the obligation of the Council of Ministers towards the Sejm;
  4. performing analyses and periodic reviews of the timeliness of the processing of government bills and assumptions of government bills, and the completeness of the List of legislative or programmatic works of the Council of Ministers and the List of legislative works of the Prime Minister, particularly in the scope of projects implementing the Prime Minister’s exposé;
  5. substantive analysis and monitoring of government drafts, prepared in the ministries and issuing opinions on the drafts of government documents sent as arrangements to Minister - Member of the Council of Ministers Lukasz Schreiber, within the scope established by the Director or Deputy Director;
  6. providing substantive and organisational services to the Minister - Member of the Council of Ministers Lukasz Schreiber, including within the scope of tasks arising from separate regulations.
Digital Regulation Department


phone: (+48) 22 245 59 15

The Digital Regulation Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. developing and providing opinions, in cooperation with the relevant organisational units of the Chancellery, on draft normative acts and other government documents in the field of the department of information technology and providing legislative services to the minister responsible for information technology;
  2. coordinating the assessment of draft government documents about their compliance with the provisions of the IT sector;
  3. conducting analyses and drawing up opinions on the application of regulations in the field of the department of digitisation;
  4. coordinating the process of concluding international agreements within the jurisdiction of the department of digitisation and handling matters concerning the ratification, approval, denunciation, and publication of such agreements;
  5. editing the Official Gazette of the Minister of Digital Affairs.
Department of Innovative Solutions


phone: (+48) 22 245 58 52

The Department of Innovative Solutions shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. creating policy aiming at elimination of barriers and legal gaps that hinder the widespread use of solutions based on new technologies;
  2. initiating and coordinating activities and projects in the field of new technologies, mainly distributed ledger technologies (DLT, including blockchain), artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) through working groups and other advisory bodies dealing with new technologies;
  3. carrying out activities for synchronisation of initiatives taken by public administration institutions in the field of innovative IT solutions and services for citizens and popularisation of good practices in this area;
  4. maintaining a repository for cooperation between public administration and the private sector in the field of new technologies;
  5. cooperation with industry organisations, scientific circles and non-governmental organisations dealing with new technologies to involve producers and integrators of solutions using new technologies.
Service Development Department


phone: (+48) 22 245 55 44

The Service Development Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. preparation of a strategy for the development of services and their advancement, primarily based on the systems for the functioning of which the Minister of Digital Affairs is responsible, including as a result of fulfilling the function of the Surrounding Institution of the Partnership Agreement, creation of solutions related to the development of a gate of access to information and digital public services in the form of the Portal of the Republic of Poland (, and ensuring the consistency of communication with citizens and entrepreneurs through digital interfaces, mainly the implementation of usability, accessibility and visual communication standards on the Internet;
  2. construction, maintenance, operation, and development of IT tools supporting the process of digitisation of the public sector and otherwise supporting public sector entities in activities that increase their level of innovation;
  3. managing the Common State IT Infrastructure Programme and providing a single point of access to public administration services and public information, including digital identity;
  4. operation of hotlines for citizens as well as implementation and development of other tools increasing citizens' satisfaction from interactions with public sector institutions;
  5. supporting the activities of entities that are part of or carry out the tasks of the GovTech Centre.
Civil Service Department



The Civil Service Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. managing the process of human resources management in the civil service;
  2. preparing and implementing the state budget in part concerning salaries and training of civil service corps members;
  3. the Council of Ministers’ allocation of a specific reserve for increasing salaries resulting from organisational changes and new tasks in state budgetary units;
  4. the Prime Minister's supervision of the activities of the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczyński National School of Public Administration and the operation of the Civil Service Board and the Higher Disciplinary Committee of the Civil Service, under the provisions of the law and its statutes.
Information Society Department


phone: (+48) 22 245 54 50

The Information Society Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. initiating, coordinating and implementing actions in the field of the development of the information society, including primarily the area of improving digital competence, carrying out tasks resulting from the Act on the Integrated Qualifications System and conducting activities for digital accessibility, including those resulting from government actions for digital activation of people with disabilities;
  2. implementation of research and analysis in the field of the information society, with the emphasis on the issue of digital competence and identification of challenges related to the development of digital technologies and coordination of public policies in this area;
  3. promoting positive attitudes in the interaction of natural and legal persons in the digital environment and fighting against negative phenomena existing in it, including disinformation, and carrying out other activities aimed at increasing the level of digital competence in society or popularising initiatives serving this purpose;
  4. initiating, coordinating, and implementing actions aimed at improving the competencies of the public sector, including through encouraging interaction between innovators, including young people, and the public sector;
  5. supporting activities of entities that are part of or carry out the tasks of the GovTech Centre.
Civil Society Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 29
fax: (+48) 22 694 72 34

The Civil Society Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. providing services to the Chairperson of the Committee for Public Benefit in the field of:
    • preparing programs to support the development of civil society in Poland, creating legislation friendly to such development, and planning and implementing supervisory and control activities regarding public benefit organisations;
    • operation of the Council for Public Benefit Activity and the Council for Dialogue with the Young Generation and conducting civic dialogue with representatives of civil society, including public consultations;
  2. performance of tasks resulting from the Head of the Office the function of an Intermediate Body for Measure 2.16 of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development;
  3. providing substantive and organisational services to the Vice-Chairperson of the Committee for Public Benefit and the Government Plenipotentiary for Youth Policy, including within the scope of tasks arising from separate regulations as well as tasks resulting from the supervision entrusted by the Head of the Office;
  4. organisational, clerical, and office services for the Council for Refugees, the Team for the implementation of compensation pensions granted to persons injured by soldiers of the Russian Federation, as well as other plenipotentiaries, teams, and councils within the scope determined by the Head of the Chancellery;
  5. resulting from the Prime Minister’s supervision over the Marek Karp Centre for Eastern Studies, the Zygmunt Wojciechowski Western Institute, the Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute, and the Central Europe Institute.
Civil Affairs Department


phone: (+ 48) 22 694 61 25
fax: (+ 48) 22 695 82 04

The Civil Affairs Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. receiving, considering, and dealing with complaints, applications, petitions, demands, and other matters addressed by citizens, social organisations, trade union organisations, and other institutions to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński, the Minister of Digital Affairs, and the Chancellery in the scope not entrusted to other organisational units of the Chancellery, and preparing periodical analyses and studies concerning matters considered by the Department;
  2. keeping a register of complaints and petitions and preparing annual aggregate information on petitions considered, in cooperation with the organisational units of the Chancellery;
  3. performing tasks relating to the Prime Minister's supervision over the receipt and handling of complaints and petitions addressed to public administration bodies, within the scope arising from the provisions of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure;
  4. providing substantive and organisational support for the Prime Minister's Plenipotentiary for the Establishment of the Central Sports Centre in Ustrzyki Dolne.
Parliamentary Affairs Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 31
fax: (+48) 22 694 74 43

Parliamentary Affairs Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. ensuring the coordination of the interaction of the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister with the Sejm and Senate;
  2. preparing analyses and opinions to draft laws and bills undergoing legislative proceedings at the governmental and parliamentary stages, and preparing analyses and opinions to legislative amendments proposed to such draft laws and bills;
  3. coordinating the process of responding by government administration bodies to MPs' interpellations, parliamentary enquiries, questions on current issues, senators' statements, interventions by MPs or senators, speeches by the European Parliament Members, parliamentary committees' decisions and opinions, and other speeches by parliamentary and senatorial committees;
  4. providing members of the Office's Management with information on the work of the Sejm and Senate based on monitoring plenary sessions of the Sejm and Senate and selected sessions of the Sejm and Senate committees, and monitoring and analysing the progress of legislative work in the Sejm and Senate on governmental and non-governmental bills;
  5. providing substantive and organisational support for the Minister - Member of the Council of Ministers Łukasz Schreiber, including concerning tasks arising from separate regulations.
Foreign Affairs Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 46
fax: (+48) 22 628 26 52

The Foreign Affairs Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. ensuring the proper (in organisational and content-related terms) course of visits and meetings abroad and phone calls of the Prime Minister and the Head of the Chancellery;
  2. providing the Prime Minister and the Head of the Chancellery with current information on international affairs;
  3. ensuring the correct and timely preparation of the international correspondence of the Prime Minister and the Head of the Chancellery.
Strategic Studies Department


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 23
fax: (+48) 22 694 67 55

The Strategic Studies Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. strategic studies in internal affairs and international affairs;
  2. preparation of analyses and forecasts based on social studies and for this purpose applying for the purchase of their results and cooperation with research institutions and experts;
  3. issuing opinions on draft government documents processed by the Government Work Programming Team and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers;
  4. resulting from the Prime Minister's supervision over the Foundation for the Centre for Social Opinion Research.
Telecommunications Department


phone: (+48) 22 245 59 18

The Telecommunications Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. conduct matters related to the development and regulation of the telecommunications market, including matters related to international telecommunications policy, excluding ones related to cyber security;
  2. coordinating activities related to the implementation of the National Education Network;
  3. handling issues concerning broadband networks, including the implementation of the National Broadband Plan and coordination of the construction of broadband networks in Poland;
  4. the Minister of Digital Affairs’ function of the Partnership Agreement Surrounding Authority performed in the scope of the 1st priority axis of the POPC and implementation of projects financed from the European Union funds as well as from the national support funds;
  5. conducting matters related to the supervision of the minister responsible for informatisation over the President of the Office of Electronic Communications and the Institute of Telecommunications – the National Research Institute.
European Identity Department


Phone: (+48) 22 694 71 09

The European Identity Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. initiating, preparing (in cooperation with relevant administration bodies and non-governmental organisations) and giving opinions on drafts of legal acts, programmes and other government documents aiming at:
    • improving the quality of action of administrative bodies in the field of protection of children's rights and counteracting violence in the family;
    • increasing protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, taking constitutional protection of marriage, family, maternity and parenthood, and European identity into account;
  2. monitoring and analysing legal solutions applied in Poland and in other European Union countries within the scope defined in point 1;
  3. coordinating the participation of the Minister - Member of the Council of Ministers Michał Wójcik in meetings of the Council of Ministers and relevant committees.
Department for Cooperation with the Polish Community and Poles Abroad


phone: (+48) 22 694 76 70

The Department for Cooperation with the Polish Community and Poles Abroad shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. substantive and organisational support for the Government Plenipotentiary for Polonia and Poles Abroad, including mainly drafting letters, preparing opinions, positions, analyses, as well as substantive, conceptual, organisational and technical support for the Plenipotentiary's domestic and foreign visits and meetings;
  2. co-operating with ministries and government administration agencies, and non-governmental organisations, in the field of the Plenipotentiary's performance;
  3. ensuring the implementation of the measures taken by the Plenipotentiary in the field of assistance to the Polish community and Poles abroad.
Department for Cooperation with Local Self-Government


phone: (+48) 22 694 68 85

The Department for Cooperation with Local Self-Government shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. coordinating activities that foster dialogue and cooperation between the Prime Minister and local self-government units;
  2. analysing the needs in the field of creating conditions for the operation and development of local self-government;
  3. elaborating analyses and preparing legal, administrative, and organisational solutions in the field of local self-government development, particularly monitoring good practices and solutions concerning counteracting irregularities in local self-government units in other countries;
  4. coordinating the participation of the Minister - Member of the Council of Ministers Michał Cieślak in the meetings of the Council of Ministers and relevant committees.
Data Management Department


phone: (+48) 22 245 55 85

The Data Management Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. creating the policy of data openness and re-use of public sector information and data exchange within the administration and with external entities for the development of technologies for data analysis, use, and processing;
  2. shaping the state policy in the field of personal data protection;
  3. coordinating activities related to the operation and development of the Central Repository of Public Information system and the implementation of the Data Opening Programme;
  4. implementing projects related to digital accessibility and usability of public sector information as part of programmes co-financed by the European Union and projects aimed at increasing accessibility and use of data in economy and administration within the 2021-2027 perspective.
Systems Management Department

Director: Maciej Górski
Deputy Director: Katarzyna Kopytowska
Deputy Director: Radosław Kałużniak
Deputy Director: Maciej Świderski
Deputy Director: Joanna Baranowska


phone: (+48) 22 245 54 12

The Systems Management Department shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. maintaining state systems, registers, and registries under the jurisdiction of the minister responsible for informatisation, with the emphasis on developing and implementing strategies for the development of systems, registers, and registries, including initiating and implementing matters in the scope of their development, primarily conducting IT projects;
  2. performing tasks of the administrator of the Special Purpose Fund – the Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers;
  3. exercising management control at the level of the Information Technology Department;
  4. supervising the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI);
  5. supervising the budgetary management institution – the Central Informatics Centre.
Budget and Finance Office

tasks related to the budget part 16 – the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and part 23 - Membership of the Republic of Poland in the European Union

Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw
phone I: (+48) 22 694 64 00
fax: (+48) 22 694 61 50
e-mail I:
ePUAP mail box address: /eKPRM/SkrytkaESP

tasks related to the budget part 27 – Information Technology, financial and accounting services for the Special Purpose Fund – the Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers (CEPIK)

ul. Królewska 27
00-060 Warszawa
phone II: (+48) 22 245 54 53, (+48) 532 519 921
e-mail II:
ePUAP mail box address: /MAiC/SkrytkaESP

The Budget and Finance Office shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. performing the functions of the authorising officers of the budgetary part 16 – the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the budgetary part 23 – the Membership of the Republic of Poland in the European Union, and the budgetary part 27 - Information Technology, the realisation of expenditure and revenue, keeping the account books of the authorising officers;
  2. drawing up, analysing, and issuing opinions on the financial plan, changes in the financial plan of the authorising officers and the units under supervision;
  3. preparing individual, cumulative, and collective reports on the execution of the financial plan of expenditures and revenues, financial statements, reports for the Central Statistical Office and reports on the status of receivables and liabilities, including those of subordinate or supervised budget entities, special purpose funds, and other entities of the public finance sector (e.g., executive agencies, budget economy institutions, state legal entities);
  4. providing payroll services regarding accounting for the salaries of the Office's employees and providing financial services for payments under contracts of mandate, contracts for specific work, financial services for members of commissions, councils and teams acting under the auspices of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Digital Affairs, and activities financed from the Company Social Benefits Fund and the Loan Guarantee Fund.
Director-General's Office



The Director-General's Office shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. management of property and real estate, including carrying out building investments and repairs;
  2. administrative and organisational support of the Chancellery and continuity of supplies and services;
  3. supervision over the budgetary management institution – the Government Administration Service Centre and the central contracting authority performing tasks for the government administration units;
  4. internal audit and management control, particularly self-assessment of management control and the process approach in the Chancellery.
Personnel and Career Development Office


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 87
fax: (+48) 22 694 72 65

The Personnel and Career Development Office shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. performing the Director-General’s tasks in the scope of labour law and personnel policy concerning persons employed in the Office;
  2. performing the tasks of the head of the civil service institution concerning persons on duty at the Head Office;
  3. organising student traineeships, graduate traineeships, internships, and voluntary service;
  4. performing the Data Protection Officer’s tasks.
Security Office


phone: (+48) 22 694 75 58
fax: (+ 48) 22 694 68 83

The Security Office shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. providing substantive, organisational, clerical, and office services to the Plenipotentiary for Protection of Classified Information and his/her deputies, particularly organising the system of protection of classified information in the Chancellery and running the Secret Chancellery and the International Secret Chancellery;
  2. an administrator for personal data and information security and cyber security in the Chancellery;
  3. matters of defence and crisis management falling within the competence of the Head of the Chancellery, the minister in charge of information technology, the minister in charge of the Republic of Poland's membership in the European Union and the Chancellery;
  4. declarations of wealth, including the monitoring of deadlines of submission, analysis, recording and storing of wealth declarations of persons holding executive state positions obliged to submit them to the Prime Minister and the Chancellery employees;
  5. the physical security of the Chancellery and persons residing in it and cooperation with the State Protection Service in this respect.
IT Office


phone: (+48) 22 694 71 19

The IT Office shall perform tasks within the scope of:

  1. planning the development and needs of the Chancellery in the field of IT;
  2. ensuring the continuity of IT systems;
  3. introducing modern IT solutions.
Office of Human Resources and Professional Development


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Anna Grzejszczak-Kwiatkowska

  • deputy director - Urszula Dunajska


  1. telephone to the secretariat (+48) 22 694 75 87

  2. fax (+48) 22 694 72 65

  3. e-mail to the secretariat:

The Human Resources and Professional Development Office carries out tasks in the field of:

  1. performing the tasks of the General Director in the field of labor law and personnel policy towards people employed in the Law Firm;

  2. performing the tasks of the head of a civil institution towards persons serving in the Chancellery;

  3. organizing student internships, graduate internships, internships and volunteering.

Secretariat of the Chairman of the Public Benefit Committee



Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Michał Radek


Secretariat of the Chairman The Public Benefit Committee carries out tasks in the field of:

  1. clerical and office services (including secretarial) and organizational services (including preparation and handling of domestic and foreign visits and meetings) of the Chairman of the Public Benefit Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Public Benefit Committee and Secretary of the Public Benefit Committee, excluding matters that are in the scope of the competences of the Department of Civil Society;

  2. coordinating the cooperation of the Chairman of the Public Benefit Committee with the President of the Republic of Poland, the Prime Minister, state administration bodies, the Sejm, the Senate, local government bodies, as well as non-governmental organizations, including churches and religious associations, excluding matters falling within the competence of the Department of Civil Society;

  3. providing services to the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers in the scope of:

    1. clerical and office services (including secretarial) and organizational services (including preparation and handling of domestic and foreign visits and meetings) of the Chairman of the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers, Vice-Chairman of the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers and Secretary of the Social Committee of the Council

    2. substantive support for the Chairman of the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers, including the development of opinions on government documents and comments submitted to the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers, the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Council of Ministers, within the scope of their competences,

    3. substantive and organizational support for the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers, including supervising the circulation of documents, developing meeting minutes and monitoring the implementation of the arrangements included therein, as well as making available on the website of the Government Legislation Center draft normative acts submitted for consideration by the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers,

    4. communication services for the Chairman of the Social Committee of the Council of Ministers and Social Committee of the Council of Ministers.

Office of the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister


Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw


  • director - Aneta Kordowska

  • deputy director - Alexandra Ochmańska

  • deputy director - Katarzyna Mącznik

The Office of the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister carries out tasks in the field of:

  1. providing substantive support to the Head of the Chancellery and the Deputy Heads of the Chancellery, in particular conducting analyzes in current matters, preparing materials in commissioned matters and giving opinions on draft documents submitted for signature by the Head of the Chancellery;

  2. coordinating the organizational support of the Head of the Chancellery in the field of speeches, patronage, invitations and preparing occasional correspondence, in cooperation with the relevant organizational units of the Chancellery;

  3. initiating and coordinating the activities of the Head of the Chancellery related to strengthening the ethos of public service, in cooperation with the Department of Civil Service, as well as the National School of Public Administration. the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, and other entities subordinated to or supervised by the Prime Minister;

  4. organization, logistics and substantive support of meetings with the participation of members of the Law Firm's Management and meetings of teams and working groups appointed or coordinated by the Head of the Law Firm, in cooperation with the relevant organizational units of the Law Firm;

  5. ensuring support and coordination of the activities of the organizational units of the Chancellery, whose competences include the implementation of tasks resulting from the subordination or supervision of the Prime Minister over: the Center for Eastern Studies. Marek Karp, Western Institute. Zygmunt Wojciechowski, Institute of Polish-Hungarian Cooperation. Wacław Felczak, Polish Economic Institute, Central Europe Institute, De Republica Institute, War Loss Institute. Jan Karski, Generation Institute;

  6. preparing analyzes and forecasts of phenomena in the area of ​​economic, social or political life, in particular based on social research, applying for the purchase of their results, as well as cooperating with research institutions and experts;

  7. cooperation with state administration bodies, the Sejm, the Senate, local government bodies and non-governmental organizations to the extent ordered by the Head of the Chancellery;

  8. preparation of documents, thesis and information materials, substantive notes and communications for the purposes of international cooperation of the Head of the Chancellery;

  9. secretarial services for members of the Law Firm's Management indicated in the internal organizational regulations, to the extent not reserved for other organizational units of the Law Firm
