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Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski accompanied the GreenEvo mission and Polish companies in Kigali


On October 24-27, 2023, Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski visited Kigali in order to accompany the GreenEvo mission and provide support to a number of Polish companies operating or looking for opportunities in Rwanda.

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The visit included support for Polish companies: Ekoinwentyka, Ekotop, Power Cob and the Institute of New Technologies in Environmental Engineering during their meetings with representatives of government institutions, universities and private companies in Rwanda. The visit, co-organized by the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Kigali and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dar es Salaam, included, among others: meetings with representatives of the Rwanda Environmental Management Agency (REMA), the Rwanda Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC), the University of Rwanda, the Lay Adventist University in Kigali (UNILAC), the Rwanda Green Fund and the Green City project Kigali and a number of Rwandan private companies in the field of environmental protection. The visit, the aim of which was to discuss the possibilities of transferring Polish green technologies to Rwanda and implementing joint pilot projects in this area, also included a visit to two sewage treatment plants and a presentation of how the Kigali city waste dump works. It allowed representatives of Polish scientific and research institutions and companies to present their technological offer, learn about the possibilities of academic and investment cooperation with Rwanda and obtain contacts necessary to conduct it. A tangible result of the visit will be that representatives of individual Polish entities, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will establish direct cooperation with the most promising partners on the Rwandan side.

Additionally, Ambassador Buzalski held a meeting with the Minister of Finance of Rwanda, Mr. Uzziel Ndagijimana, during which the current state of cooperation in the business area and the potential for possible support from the governments of both countries were discussed.

Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski also participated in the meeting of representatives of the Pietrucha Group with the new Minister of Infrastructure of Rwanda, Dr. Jimmy Gasore, and the Mayor of Kigali, Pudence Rubingisa. Both meetings were devoted to the presentation of the technology for controlling water circulation and preventing floods offered by the Polish company and its pilot project planned for the coming months, consisting in securing the embankment of one of the rivers flowing through the capital of Rwanda.

Moreover, Ambassador Buzalski also took part in the ceremony of signing an agreement between Polish National Development Bank and the Ministry of Finance of Rwanda regarding a loan for the buyer in the sovereign finance formula for the amount of USD 23 million. It is to finance Faspol's contract for the supply of technology and installation of milk storage and processing infrastructure for the Rwandan dairy sector (the partner of the Polish manufacturer of equipment and technology is the government institution Rwanda Agriculture Board).

Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski also held meetings with representatives of Luma Holding and Farada Group.


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