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Announcement of a call for proposals: “Geothermal energy production” - call has ended


The Minister of Climate as the Operator of the “Environment, Energy and Climate Change” Programme announces a call for proposals for co-financing of projects aimed at “Geothermal energy production” to be financed from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 with an amount of EUR 7 300 000, i.e. PLN 31 622 870 [1]

1. Aim of the Call for Proposals

The main aim of the Call for Proposals, intended to co-finance projects in the programme area: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security shall be to support the production and use of renewable energy sources through the construction of systems for “deep” geothermal  energy production in locations for which the existence of economically viable reserves and the possibility of their use for heating/energy purposes have been confirmed through drilling exploration wells.

Implementation of the projects should result in the largest reductions of CO2 emissions while maintaining the highest cost efficiency.

2. Type of projects

The purpose of the project shall be to create energy production systems based on the “deep” geothermal energy sources. The applications may include one or more of the below activities such as:

  • Production and injection wells in areas with documented geothermal potential;
  • Construction and/or extension of a geothermal heating plant;
  • Construction of infrastructure connection(s) to integrate geothermal heat into an existing district heating system;
  • Technological and infrastructure changes to existing district heating systems in order to integrate geothermal energy source(s);

A project application may contain educational and awareness measures as integrated parts of the project proposal.



Call​_text​_geothermal​_energy​_n date​_updated
Call​_text​_geothermal​_energy​_n date​_updated.pdf 0.25MB
Administrative and eligibility criteria
1​_Administrative​_and​_eligibility​_criteria​_18052020.pdf 0.05MB
Merit criteria Geothermal energy
2​_Merit​_criteria​_Geothermal​_energy​_18052020.pdf 0.43MB
Template for the Partnership Agreement
Template​_for​_the​_Partnership​_Agreement​_-​_ver​_23062020.doc 0.09MB
Letter of Intent
Letter​_of​_Intent​_-​_ver​_23062020.docx 0.02MB