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Improvements in government administration as one of the topics of the Council of Ministers' meeting


A weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers was held at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. Due to the visit of Prime Minister Donald Tusk to Washington, the meeting was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz. The Council of Ministers discussed and adopted,, new regulations on the functioning of government administration and a resolution that will update the National Oncology Strategy.


The new rules will improve the work of government administration

The Council of Ministers has adopted a bill on the functioning of government administration. The regulations will put in order, the division of competences, and will complement the establishment of the Ministry of Industry in Katowice.

"The regulations are particularly important for newly created ministries or members of the Council of Ministers, who have their own areas of responsibility. It is about the senior policy, the equality policy or the Ministry of Industry. This is an important act that fulfils our obligations, such as the establishment of the Ministry of Industry in Silesia. This is one of our coalition commitments that we have made and that we are implementing. This act fulfils the issues of the division of competences," said Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that certain areas need to be put in order. This is,, the issue of the Central Communication Port, which should have been the responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure from the very beginning.

"We found a huge mess – the CPK was not in the Ministry of Infrastructure, which has a transport department. This was due solely to the building of independent principalities by our predecessors and the division of spoils, and not to the division of substantive competences. We fix it, regulate it, bring it back to normal. The issues of the CPK will be dealt with by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Plenipotentiary for the STH will be there," informed Deputy Prime Minister W. Kosiniak-Kamysz.

Detailed information on the bill on changes in the functioning of government administration.  

We care about cancer patients

Another issue that the Council of Ministers worked on was the resolution on the National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030. As Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz emphasized, it needed to be updated – also due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"It was necessary to update the National Oncology Strategy because, for various reasons, it was not fulfilled. Partly due to COVID-19. At the time when this strategy came into force, the pandemic was the main area of activity and activity of the Ministry of Health. The restrictions made it impossible to implement some of the topics and projects, informed the Deputy Prime Minister.

The care of cancer patients is particularly important to the government. It is not only the treatment itself, but also the diagnosis and early diagnosis of the disease.

"The National Oncology Strategy will be carried out with great care. It is also about the availability of tests, such as mammography tests, which are very necessary to detect the disease as early as possible. This is our goal and one of the priorities of our coalition – a holistic, holistic approach to the patient, from the moment of diagnosis to the end of treatment," said Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.

We actively work for the interests of Polish farmers

During the government meeting, the ministers also discussed the measures taken for the benefit of the Polish countryside – mainly the planned changes to the EU Green Deal.

"Changes are needed in the Green Deal, concerning, the abandonment of strict treatment, which is unacceptable in the case of fertilisers or fallow. I think that the whole of Europe can see the negative effects of the Green Deal, promoted by Commissioner Wojciechowski, who earlier proudly boasted about it," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

W. Kosiniak-Kamysz also referred to the words of Commissioner Wojciechowski regarding the possibility of rejecting the Green Deal by farmers in exchange for the resignation from direct payments.

"This is an unacceptable position. This is an insulting and insulting position for Polish farmers. This is not what the EU Commissioner for Agriculture should do. It is not subsidies and it is not farmers who are the problem. The problem is the bad strategies proposed by the Commissioner regarding the Green Deal, limiting agricultural production, said the Deputy Prime Minister.

2024.03.12 Posiedzenie Rady Ministrów