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Infrastracture and employment: comprehensive development aid in northern Lebanon

Infrastracture and employment: comprehensive development aid in northern Lebanon
Implementing entity: Polish Center for International Aid Amount of co-finansing: PLN 999,902


The aid provided as part of the project focused mostly on supporting environ­ment protection and assistance for lo­cal food producers.

The main objective of the project was to reduce waste dumped into rivers flow­ing into the Mediterranean Sea and to increase access to renewable energy sources and energy saving technologies. Activities in Al-Qubayiat in northern Lebanon included exten­sion of the sewage treatment plant, which increased its capacity to re­direct and neu­tralise waste. This helped to reduce the pollution of surface waters, which formerly not only had a nega­tive impact on the environment but also led to social tensions between town inhabitants and farmers whose lands were polluted  by sewage from the inefficient plant. In addition, 30 solar street lamps were installed in the Aand­qet village, reducing the need to use electricity generators in night-time and thereby limiting air pollution.

In the agricultural component, efforts to turn local food cooperatives into professional enterprises were support­ed. Eight cooperatives received modern food processing equipment and neces­sary expert support as regards both the manufacture and marketing and export of food products. This allowed them to increase production, reach new outlets and thereby obtain higher income from operating activities.

The project will be continued in 2020, extending its outreach to new localities and cooperatives
