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Diplomatic relations between Poland and Lesotho were established on 20 December 1978.

Political cooperation

Diplomatic relations between Poland and Lesotho were established on 20 December 1978. In the period of 1989-1990, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland based in Harare (Zimbabwe) was accredited to Maseru. Currently, any matters related to relations with the Kingdom of Lesotho are at the competence of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Pretoria.  Initially, the Ambassador of Lesotho, who was based in Copenhagen, was accredited in Warsaw. After the end of his mission, on 30 May 2006, and at the same time the liquidation of the Embassy of Lesotho in Copenhagen, diplomatic efforts were made to resume the accreditation.  Diplomatic actions proved to be successful, when the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Lesotho residing in Berlin submitted his credentials in Warsaw in January 2010. So far, no significant political contacts have been recorded between Poland and Lesotho. At the forum of international organizations, whose members are both countries, cooperation is positive. In mutual relations, there are two conventions signed in the period when Lesotho was under the British protectorate as Basutoland.

Economic Cooperation

Poland does not have bilateral economic agreements with Lesotho. The current framework for trade cooperation is defined by the EU-SADC-EPA agreement (Economic Partnership Agreement), of which Lesotho is one of the participants. In 2017, Poland's imports from Lesotho amounted to USD 0.1 million (mineral products). There is no data on the volume of Poland's exports to Lesotho in the above period or assortment groups in the imports of Poland from Lesotho.

Scientific Cooperation

Polish citizens may study at the universities in Lesotho.  There is also a possibility to recognize education obtained in polish academic institutions.  Polish Universities offer a number of interesting programs for foreign students on paid studies.

Recognition of Education

Council on Higher Education (CHE) 

Ministry of Education and Training

