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Access in Poland and the USA


On 2 June this year, Secretary of State, Krzysztof Michałkiewicz, met with David Capozzi, Executive Director of the federal agency U.S. Access Board. 

The meeting was also attended by: Dorota Habich, Deputy Chair of the Board for Programme Matters – State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON), Mirosław Przewoźnik, Director of the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People, representatives of the US Embassy and experts.


Deputy Minister Michałkiewicz presented Polish legal solutions in the area of access for the disabled, pointing out to the introduction of, among other, the act implementing the EU directive on non-discrimination against people with disabilities, which refers to the accessibility of various objects (educational, administrative, cultural, sport). He informed that in a few days, work on a new ID card for people with disabilities, which meets the accessibility criteria, would be completed.

Information on the publication of the document
Last updated on:
03.04.2019 10:47 Biuro Promocji
First published on:
03.04.2019 10:47 Biuro Promocji